Saturday, February 4, 2012

Ride like the wind, Bullseye!

Yes, we at Dr. Grumpy are now featuring all kinds of fun outdoor activities.

Thank you, Tab!


  1. "Never shake the bucket of
    nuts before you're tied to
    the yak rope."

    Great advice, that!

  2. I can see where your skills would be in demand, Dr, G... either by the yak, or by the skier!!

  3. I wonder what the "skier" is supposed to do at the top of the hill as he approaches the pulley?

  4. A clarification for those that do not know what pony nuts are; they are pelleted horse food, usually alfalfa based.

    WV: doostype
    Doostype people ski with yaks.

  5. "Mr Dorje's advice is: "Never shake the bucket of nuts before you're tied to the yak rope." "

    Always good advice.

  6. When did you move your yak herd from Mongolia to India? And you never told us that you were actually from Tibet! You must be very fit from climbing uphill in the snow all winter. I suppose it's bad luck if they break arms or legs, but at least you can do some interesting research about neurological deficits caused by cracking their skulls against that tree.

  7. I think I will stick to my motorcycle, thank you very much.

  8. I must show my Doc your blog he will probably not approve of an MD doing one; but his kids will rectify that, They'll like it like I do

  9. Sounds like a epitaph to me.

  10. ... Is April Fool's Day early this year?

  11. "Never shake the bucket of
    nuts before you're tied to
    the yak rope."

    This statement is deep in so many ways.

  12. Wow, I can't wait to tell people at work that I am planning this for my next vacation. They already think I am a lunatic because I do not just go to Disney, but once I tell them about the pony nuts, they will seriously think about having me institutionalized...what would work better- powder skis or telemarks? Even more fun would be calling my insurance to see if I would be covered. Is THIS out of net work?

  13. Would pecans work?


So wadda you think?