Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Patient quote of the day

"Doctor, I really want to know if I have something. Because if it's anything, it would probably be something. And I want to know if it's something. If it's nothing, then that's not anything, but I need to know if it's anything like something or nothing."


  1. Is this a patient or a SNL comedy sketch?

  2. That's the scared patients way of saying "I am afraid that I have brain cancer, so please tell me this is just a tension headache."

  3. Roseanne RoseannadannaFebruary 21, 2012 at 4:18 PM

    It's always something.

  4. Paging, Ms. Hypochondria! Ms. Hypochondria, your table is ready.

  5. Maybe you should write him a referral to Dr. Seuss...

  6. "yes, i suspect you may have something, well, everybody has something, but i don't know anything about your something, it could be anything or it could be nothing, if it's something, we will do something about it, if it's nothing, we will do nothing about it. however, there's no such thing as nothing, in every nothing, there's a something. in fact, there could be everything. i cannot do everything, but still i can do something if you really have something"

  7. The thing is that this thing is hard to pinpoint.


So wadda you think?