Saturday, February 25, 2012


One year we returned from vacation a day early, because of a problem with one of our dogs. My parents had taken him to the vet for us, and Mrs. Grumpy wanted to rush home and get him (he was her baby).

The vet's office was closed for the weekend when we got back, but they'd told us the 20-something girl who stayed with the pets overnight would let us in to get Fido, since it was a special circumstance and we were established clients.

Anyway, we came by, and she let me in to get the dog. I had some questions, and was talking to her in the lobby for a few minutes. Her shirt was on inside-out, but I didn't pay much attention to it until a naked guy came wandering out of the back and said, "Hey, don't leave me hanging... Oh, sorry" and ran back.

She blushed. I took the dog and left.


  1. Well what else do you do when you're 'dog-sitting'?

  2. Isn't that typical behaviour for babysitters? The important thing is that she wasn't neglecting the dogs or their owners.

  3. That does it! Out of the medical transcription business for me! I'm going to be applying at every vet office in town!

  4. Wanna bet the poor lad received "artisanal" care after you left?

  5. However, to say that this is unprofessional behavior is an understatement. It's funny, yet how embarrassing for both of you. Unbelievable. Probably goes on in hospitals for humans too though.

  6. You should probably let your vet know about this. I know I'd want to know if someone in my employ was up to such shenanigans!

  7. He didn't invite you and Mrs. Grumpy to join in? How rude!

  8. Has long as they do it dpggie style, is it ok?

  9. Hey, at least she wasn't shooting heroin.

    Maybe my standards are too low....

  10. reminds me of the first time I ever made out with a boy.

    he was doing his duties as a high school vet, restocking, wiping, petting, etc. And I was keeping him company...then a sweet song came on and we slow danced.

    Then totally made out.

    And then we got CAUGHT by one of the staff Vets.


  11. That is a GREAT story! LOL


So wadda you think?