Thursday, February 9, 2012


Dr. Grumpy: "What part of town is best for you to do the testing?"

Mr. Jeopardy: "Down on 3rd street there's an MRI place. It's right across from the Jewish church."


  1. 30 yrs ago I had two friends, one Jewish, one Catholic, who were sharing a dorm room. One day they bugged me to drive them food shopping, as one had directions to a "nicer" grocery store than the ones within walking distance.

    The Catholic one was giving me directions, which included, "Turn at that Temple - you know, 'Our Lady of Shalom'."

    I (and the roommate) laughed so hard I had to pull the car over. And to this day I still call the synagogue at the corner of Wilkins & Shady, "Our Lady of Shalom." [It's really called "Tree of Life".]

  2. Heh, does Mr. Jeopardy know you're Jewish?

  3. "Just out of curiosity, do you know what 'Jiffy Lube' means in Hebrew?"

  4. Speaking of 'Jewish churches', I have a story, semi related. I used to work in a group home with severely developmentally disabled adults. One woman in this group home was Jewish and her family insisted she go to Temple once a week, despite the fact that she had no clue what was going on. One particular week I brought her to Temple and we went in and sat down. The Rabi starts talking, everyone else is quiet. Suddenly the woman I am with jumps up and yells 'HAMBURGER!!'. She then sat back down. 5 minutes go by and suddenly she stands up and yells 'HOT DOG! HAMBURGER! HOT DOG!'. Then she sat back down. There was nothing I could do about it because I was pretty much laughing so hard tears were rolling down my face, I just could not control my laughing fit. A few minutes later she jumped up and did the same thing and I composed myself and got her out of there, but I still couldn't drive back to the group home because I started laughing hysterically again as soon as we got to the car.

  5. Kim - at least she wasn't yelling "Cheeseburger!"

  6. So are the Ten Commandments the same or what ?

  7. Packer:
    They're not the same even among different Christian denominations. (Similar, but order and wording differ.) There's just no hope for humanity, I guess.

  8. Moose - I know the temple you're talking about! I'm just going to think of it as Our Lady of Shalom too from now one.

  9. I'm guessing he anticipated that question and looked up all the locations before he came for his appointment?

  10. @ Packer - the lady from Kim's story probably thought they were the Ten Condiments.

    captcha: relismie. if you say it in a raspy voice you will be reminded of a scene from "Independance Day".


So wadda you think?