Thursday, January 19, 2012

Why do I bother?

Dr. Grumpy: "Did that medicine help?"

Mr. Pill: "I don't know. The pharmacy never filled it."

Dr. Grumpy: "Whaaa..."

Mr. Pill: "I dropped it off last month, but they never called to tell me it was ready."

Dr. Grumpy: "Did you go by to get it? Or call them to ask if it was ready?"

Mr. Pill: "Was I supposed to?"


  1. *sigh* - sounds like another RTS victim. Our psychic abilities are offline, please try again later :)


    Pharm. Tech. RDC '06

  2. .......sigh........


  3. Lately I have been seeing job titles, like Wedding Planner and Life Coach and I thought what a screwed up economy we have. But now I am starting to think that Life Coach may be a growth field.
    Double Oy.

  4. It definitely sounds like this person needs some help navigating the medical world. If he has never had to pick up a prescription before, he has been blessed with some wonderful health. Lots of other services out there would, in fact, call to let you know that the thing you were purchasing was complete. For instance, when I order things online I get an order confirmation, a shipping confirmation and, usually, a delivery confirmation. If we in the medical world want to see patients take their medications as directed, you'd think we could put together a system at least as good as that for ordering tchotchkes on the internet. For what it cost the pharmacy to restock the med, they probably could have left a text or voicemail.

  5. Honestly I have ran into a few of these people lately at the pharmacy and I am like really? You don't know how this works? It is kinda sad.

  6. I can honestly say my pharmacy has never called me to tell me a script is ready for pick up...Unless you count the lady at the desk saying "Hey you, yeah, you who seem to be in considerable pain. Your meds are ready at the next window."

    I've called in occassionally, to make sure that the refills are being done so I don't waste a trip down there though...

  7. The pharmacy probably didn't call Mr. Pill because he said he would wait 15 minutes to pick up the prescription, left before providing any information required to fill the prescription, and expected that the pharmacy knew who he was/how to contact him/his insurance information because he brought his cousin's nephew in last week to buy a coloring book and might have filled a prescription at the competitor down the street 5 or 6 years ago. Signed, "I agree with Grumpy, PharmD"

  8. Riiiiiiight. It's *always* the fault of the pharmacy. Heaven forbid anyone take responsibility for their own healthcare.

  9. Does the grocery store have to call to tell him the latest shipment of bananas are in? No? What a surprise! The last thing this world needs is more hand holding.

  10. I have NEVER in my whole life dropped off a scrip at a pharmacy without them telling me, as they accepted it, how long it would take them to fill it...and I have lived almost half a century now, and resided in four English-speaking countries.

  11. Our local Walmart will text me when the spawns allergy meds are ready. It's awesome. The husband's pharmacy doesn't have that option. He'll wait until he's out of something and say something off handed to me about needing to pick something up. Urgh. Just switch pharmacies. *twitch*

  12. This is why I quit practicing primary care...I kept getting the urge to shove these folks out the door...

  13. auto refill baby! They always call me to let me know when my meds are ready, and I never have to worry that I left it until the last minute and have only one pill or none!

    I have no doubt that the tech. told them how long it would take to fill it... I can't imagine not knowing how this whole process works.

    I personally am doing my best to keep the pharmaceutical companies in business. ;-)

  14. It amazes me that people expect to be called when their rx is ready. I DID tell you when it would be ready: either 15 minutes from the time you dropped it off, or after 3PM on our next order day. Same answer at

  15. Mr Pill says the pharmacy never filled it. How does he know that as a fact, if he didn't inquire? Mr Pill promotes a common and dishonest form of argument; switching the responsibility for himself to someone else.

  16. See he's WAY nicer than I am because if I was pharmacy dumb and it had been a month I would have been on the phone to complain that no one has called me yet to tell me it was ready. At which point I would have found out that A) I might be an idiot and B) it was ready.

  17. We have text messages for when Rx's are ready. People simply don't use this service much. This person would be the one who would say "No, I am not giving you my cell phone number." Most folks are responsible, but some had just rather blame someone else.

  18. I would like to say I am surprised but as a pharmacist I know this is as common as breathing! it is ALWAYS our fault! :o)

  19. I would definitely rather have prosthetic cancer than real cancer any day.

  20. Oh geez, this sounds like half of the people that come into my pharmacy. What ever happened to personal responsibility? I'm a pharmacy technician, not your mom.

  21. Cant you see this patients point of view, people? Healthcare is a customer service driven industry which means as a patient he should not have to put any effort towards his OWN health issues! Gosh, everyone is so unsympathetic!


So wadda you think?