Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Dr. Grumpy: "So we'll see how the medication change works. Any questions?"

Mr. Funky: "I'm not happy about this."

Dr. Grumpy: "Not happy about what?"

Mr. Funky: "My visit co-pay. I paid $25 the first time I came here, and then another $25 at my last visit, and now I'm going to have to pay another $25 today. That's $75 to see you for the same damn problem."

Dr. Grumpy: "I understand, but I don't set your co-pay."

Mr. Funky: "It should be one co-pay covers all visits for the year, or something."

Dr. Grumpy: "Your insurance company is the one who decides your co-pay, not me."

Mr. Funky: "Yeah, but I bet you're sleeping with some insurance company bitch."


  1. Lovely.

    How often do you fire patients?

  2. Sounds like a delight.

    Also doesn't realise the expense of running a practice. I expect Mary demands a high salary for the stuff she puts up with.

    And Craig's hair products need to be financed somehow, alongside some diet Coke addictions...

  3. Dr. Grumpy: "Well, maybe I should give you her phone number and she can tell you which other neurologists are covered on your plan since you seem to suddenly be without one."

  4.'re cheap AND easy... You should re-negotiate with the insurance company lady.

  5. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.

  6. "Meanwhile, I've blown $75 of my hooker budget."

  7. How DARE he call me a bitch after all those things I did for him???

  8. Please say you showed him the door!

  9. Damn I would BE GRATEFUL for a 25$ copay! Bastard!

  10. At which point I would say, "Adios, mother f---er!"

  11. I think Mrs Awesome School Nurse Grumpy should be given the opportunity to punch him into next year.

    But, ya know, I'm a violent kinda Moose.

  12. Long time readers know that this can't be the case, Dr Grumpy is too worn out from having intercourse with the drug reps.

  13. It's not worth using their plan when you sleep with the insurance company b*@%#%! and they don't give you kickbacks.

    Sleeping with hot pharma reps is another matter.

  14. I hope you fired him.

  15. I would so love to tell people who pull this attitude at my pharmacy to take a hike and not let the door hit them on the way out but our idiot DM would rather we suck up to the customer all the time regardless of the issue. He wants us to replace vials of lantus costing us hundreds because the patient claimed we shorted her 6 vials on a 7 vial script. The same idiot then turns around and complains that we are showing a loss for crap like this and the fact that we have to override reimbursement rates, like our cost for med X is $200 but the difference between the insurance reimbursment and out cost is -$115. Do that enough times and your going to be out of business but the customer is happy.

    I also had someone today through a hissy fit because they were out of refills, the idiot had known for 3 months they needed the doctor to send in new scripts but were too lazy to do that. They then had the gall to demand we waive the copays because we made them wait to get the meds (waiting for the doc to get back with new rx) and how much money they spent on gas to get here. (A word of advice would be not to try and BS me, I know where you live and the techs see you driving that new beamer everywhere, so don't complain about driving 10 minutes to the store, your here everyday for something so just come back tommorow.)

  16. Prescribe Sarcasma and Fukitol combo for a ridiculous copay or "Prior Authorization required" and then give him the insurance bimbo's phone number to address his concerns. Then have him come in for another medication review visit. At least that way you get some blog fodder out of him.

  17. I’d like to see him to say exactly what he said to you to people I know that lost a chance to treat their cancer due to lack of insurance and had years/months cut off their lives.

    Also, I guess he sleeps with tons of bitches to get what he wants, I feel sorry for his wife and his diseased wanker.

    WV is Bacou.... flip that U upside down and it’s BACON(kinda). Yum.

  18. "Just one? I've got a whole stable of 'em. A different one for every day of the week. And you know what? When I go to see MY doctor, THEY pay the co-pay to ME. Maybe if you spent a little less time bitching and a little more time following my example, you wouldn't have this problem."

  19. "That's not a very nice thing to call your own wife."

  20. Major down twinkles on Mr. Funky.

  21. Wow, I hope the guy had some type of dementia or psychosis to expain such a disrespectful, weird outburst.

  22. LOL Moose, that was funny. I would be setting the jerk straight and possibly firing him if he refused to see the error of his ways. A twenty-five dollar copay for a nuerologist is great!

  23. did he say it in a joking manner?

  24. Sometimes it's just so hard to believe there are idiots like this out there....


  25. This guy seems to be just a tool. I don't care how angry you are or even how justified, his rant at you was sleazy and waaaaayyyy out of line.

  26. In a happy coincidence, this guy's also the WV: poinis
    Perhaps you should've have offered to refer him to the meanest proctologist you know.

  27. Maybe I am just paranoid, but I usually don't piss off my Doctor, my mechanic or my waiter. I feel there is a downside when I do. Oh, yeah beaureacrats either, cause they enjoy getting into the slime and wrestling with you, it is like their hobby.

  28. Awesome. You should have said, "Yeah, I fuck the shit out of her just to get more $$ out of shitheads like you."

  29. Dr Grumpy, sometimes I really wish you'd put in the section of how you responded to these amazing patients.

  30. Would anyone want to be in the room with anyone from an insurance company for long enough to accomplish that? Really?


So wadda you think?