Friday, January 27, 2012

"Uh, maybe we can sell them on Ebay..."

Yet another reminder that crime doesn't pay.

Thank you, Lee!


  1. new meaning to "woody"

  2. Hope the thief can read German

  3. "Hans, does the casing on your currywurst seem unusually tough?"

  4. I'm sure the thief is a teenage boy and knew perfectly well what he was stealing. I guess, its a free period for the class now that the props are missing.

  5. And at the bottom of the article is a link to "3 ingredient slow cooker pulled pork".


  6. German craftsmanship.

    No plastic phalluses or bananas for them.

    Somewhere in the Black Forest, an elderly woodcarver works from life. Perhaps with a little help from Dr. Brindley.


    Even though bananas have certain drawbacks in the matter of color, curvature, and pointiness, they have an advantage in their non-permanence, in that they are less likely to have been, um, put to use.


    Dr. Grumpy, could you please not post anything about penises for a while? It's not good for me.


So wadda you think?