Friday, January 6, 2012

Is there anybody out there?

Annie: "Dr. Grumpy's office, this is Annie."

Mrs. Image: "Hi, I need to set up my MRI."

Annie: "Hmmm... You're not on my list. When was the MRI ordered?"

Mrs. Image: "Last week."

Annie: "That's weird. I can't find you in our computer. Did Dr. Grumpy see you at the hospital?"

Mrs. Image: "I've never seen Dr. Grumpy."

Annie: "Um... I can't set up an MRI when you're not our patient. You'll have to call the doctor who ordered it."

Mrs. Image: "But his staff is busy taking care of patients."


  1. *slaps forehead and rolls eyes* Really? So because her Doctors office inefficient she thinks she can randomly call one that isn't and they will get right on it with out seeing her... ugh!

  2. Why so harsh? Line-jumping and snagging the first floorwalker you see is common behavior. If Dr. X's staff is busy and Mary is not busy, why not get her to set up the MRI?

    Of course, since she has no idea of why Dr. X wanted a MRI, or what Mr. Impatient's insurance info is, he might be surprised at not only the results but the cost. But it was set up promptly, wasn't it?

    stay safe.

  3. Well said, Skidmark. If you start with the premise that doctors are essentially fungible goods and their offices do basically the same things (except for Mary's failure to hold a medical degree, of course), it kind of makes sense. If you can get a Big Mac at any McDonald's, shouldn't you also be able to get an MRI at any McDoctor's?

  4. I feel so inadequate, I can never think of these things.

  5. I thought it was Annie on the phone.

  6. The MRI will show nothing in her head...

  7. Non-patients should be directed to the drive-thru MRI...

  8. Dr. Grumpy's staff would be busy taking care of patients too, if they didn't have to spend their time taking care of idiots and freeloaders.


So wadda you think?