Friday, December 9, 2011

Today's featured gift

It's the middle of the night, and you're using the bathroom. But after sitting down you discover there's either a power outage or the bulb burned out. How often does this happen to you? That many? Have you considered calling an electrician?

Anyway, if this is something a friend of yours deals with regularly, than I have the perfect gift for them: glow-in-the-dark toilet paper!

This miracle is also useful for camping or as an emergency flashlight.

It doesn't say if it will rub off and give you a luminescent anus.


  1. Patent Pending, no doubt.

  2. Ha ha ha!

    My first thought? "Um, that's just wrong."

    My second thought? "Great for the kids at night!"

  3. Actually, my hubs thinks this is a great idea!

    What do you expect from a aerospace engineer?!

  4. What a great idea!
    If it did rub off, think how great that would be! I'd rub it from the small of my back to...wait a minute, is that toilet paper artisanal?

  5. Has there been a study of the effects of repeatedly applying photoluminescence to one's ass?

    Thought not.

  6. There may be some kind of advantage of having a luminescent a certain kind of population that is...

  7. Now I remember why I always come back...this post made me laugh so hard I almost NEEDED toilet paper! Never did I think I'd see the words "luminescent" and "anus" in the same sentence...

  8. You just know it's only a matter of time before somebody tries it, and if it's successful, puts pictures of it online.

  9. At last, a light at the end of the tunnel.

  10. Hooray! No more painful burns from wiping myself with light bulbs!

  11. "The sun doesn't shine down there, but our toilet paper does!"

  12. "Nice try, but the expression is actually 'a SHOT in the dark!'"

  13. Then one foggy Christmas Eve...

  14. anon 8:48

    your comment cracked me up - seriously. Thumbs up.

  15. If the ladies use this, will their men stop complaining about always turning the lights off during sex?

  16. would be really cool to tee-pee someone's house with that's stuff!

  17. Now is it actually self-luminescent or does it just retain the effects from overhead lights, like those old ping-pong balls used to?

  18. Anon @ 8:48 ~ I just about PIMP!!! Thanks for my great big belly laugh!

    Steph ~ fabulous idea!!

  19. I would LOVEto see the tech's reaction if it does rub off and someone went in for a colonoscopy.

    Just sayin' ...

  20. Self-luminescent would be radioactive.

    And I really, really wouldn't know what to say about a roll of radioactive toilet paper...

  21. I actually really love this product idea, Grump. Maybe they could even make it so that after you wiped, the dirty part would change color depending on the type of fluid that was present. Because god knows blue or purple would be so much more attractive than brown.

  22. Things to do today: determine my a$$ from a hole in the ground. Check!

  23. One of my cats likes to play with the TP roll in the dead of night and leave trails of it through the house, but I don't know which cat. I am sorely tempted to hang up a roll of this just to see what she does with it...and to identify the culprit by her glowing paws and mouth.


So wadda you think?