Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I'm thinking sterilization...

Mrs. Rock: "I don't want to start any new medications. I've been taking Clomid, and am trying to become pregnant."

Dr. Grumpy: "Okay."

Mrs. Rock: "I've been on it for 2 months now, and it still hasn't worked."

Dr. Grumpy: "Has your husband been checked out?"

Mrs. Rock: "Oh, he's overseas for the year."

Dr. Grumpy: "Then, um, why are you taking Clomid?"

Mrs. Rock: "So I can get pregnant. That's what Clomid does. This way I can get pregnant without a guy."


  1. Criminy, what a dumb doc not to ask about male factors...

  2. They just get dumber and dumber...

  3. I always reply to your posts in my head with "Shut the hell up"

  4. "Like in that movie where the woman got pregnant from the midichlorians. That's what Clomid is, right?"

  5. This is going to be a very unpleasant revelation for a lot of christians.

  6. *that's* what I call advances in pharmacology.

  7. I hope her future kids aren't as stupid as she clearly is. ~Francine

  8. My first thought was that she was cheating on her soldier-hubby...

    I'm not sure which option I like best for the sake of humanity.

  9. So did you explain the birds and the bees to her, or are you going to leave that to her fertility specialist?

  10. I'm just a simple neurologist, ma'am.

  11. "But why are you asking me all these medical questions anyway? You're a neurologist; aren't you just supposed to fix my car?"

  12. maybe she's trying to do "self insemination"?

  13. I have no words, in fact some of my neurons have self-destructed from the stupid.

    On the other hand, I guess the Virgin Mary was taking Clomid.

  14. I don't think humans have worked out parthenogenesis yet. Lucky for us.

  15. Please don't explain anything to her. Just let it ride and pray that she doesn't further the genetic degradation of the human race.

  16. I want to make her stop (though having taken clomid, which is horrible, it's kind of hilarious that she's going through it for nothing) but what I really want to do is find the doc who prescribed it for her and at minimum mock them mercilessly

  17. I just joined ranks with her, because I just can't figure this out. Oh, and my speach is slurred and my left leg is dragging. WOW !!

  18. Ignorance of reproduction is a sort of self-sterilization. Go Darwin.

  19. And this is why sex ed is so important in school. Nobody should be this ignorant about their own body and how it works.

  20. At least this means we will probably never have to be subject to children from this woman...

  21. Anyone that stupid SHOULDN'T be allowed to reproduce!

  22. My favorite retort:

    Mrs.Rock, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

  23. Too bad evolution is not reversible or the "encouragement" of Darwin's theory not legal.


  24. I just laughed out loud in clinic. Did you disavow her of that notion or is she still hoping for an immaculate conception?

  25. rock, as in "dumb as"?

    Unfortunately, we see this in GYN a lot. No understanding of cycles, fertility, etc. "I haven't had sex since...." But the baby is 2 months less than that.

    Love your names for patients. I try to immitate, but still don't have the nack.

  26. Oh dear. Dr. Grumpy, how do you manage to keep a straight face when talking to these people?

  27. Old Squid, thanks for the laugh! Iove that movie!

  28. The bad news: You can't cure stupid.
    The good news: You can't clone it either.

    And I guess she's also blissfully unaware of the fact that she is presently at risk of getting "Clomidia"?

  29. As someone who's done one fresh cycle and one frozen cycle of IVF (resulting each in 1 kid, yay!) this really tickles my funny bone. Maybe Dr. Grumpy can fix that :)

  30. I'm a new fan- and pray tell Dr. Grumpy, is this the STUPIDEST thing a patient has ever told you or where does it fit into your top ten?

  31. I wonder if she ordered it online. I pity the hubby who comes home to quadruplets after she has a fling.

  32. I guess The Church has been keeping this secret from us for some 2000+ years.

  33. Maybe hubby writes very passionate letters?

  34. Please tell us you made this up...for the sake of humanity, PLEASE lie to us and say that this level of stupidity does not exisit!

  35. Mrs, Rock, you must use the turkey baster with the Clomid, you can't just take it orally.

  36. what a waste of opposable thumbs...

  37. Please tell me she knew we hadnt advance that far in science!

  38. Mrs. Rock as in John Rock, one of the inventors of "the Pill"?
    Clomid is nasty stuff - chronic PMS and THEN you get your period - and in her case it may really have damaged her brain permanently!
    darwinism in action, i guess.

  39. ROFLOL @ Mockingbird.

  40. That is some powerful drug. She'd better be careful not to take it after she gets pregnant. Then her fetus may get pregnant as well. Scheiße this could become an infinite loop of pregnancies inside one uterus.

  41. I can believe this. I had a roommate whose husband was still in Taiwan, and she kept getting upset because she wasn't getting pregnant!

  42. OMFG...I'm not much of an environmenalist, but c'mon...there's gotta be some kind of contamination out there producing these mutations. I am convinced we could not have survived through the centuries with this level of ignorance and stupidity that exists today. I'm not sure some of these people wouldn't become confused and run toward, not away from a rabid animal.

    I had a patient the other day come in complaining that her medication tasted disgusting and made her mouth feel "all greasy". It was a suppository.


So wadda you think?