Monday, November 14, 2011

Holy Nuts, Batman!

Pareidolia at its finest. Words fail me.

Thank you, Liz!


  1. hehe, was on the news here a while back, but still good, lol!

  2. wow, is it real or photoshopped? (i am not in the med field)

  3. Maybe that's a genie, and he'll come out and give you three wishes if you just rub...

  4. At least it wasn't Jesus. There would have been a big crowd by now.

  5. That is nothing, nothing I tell you. There is a magazine Weird New Jersey, comes out quarterly and each time they feature images of stuff that looks like a map of NJ, you know dried dog, cow , bird droppings. A potato chip, a banana , etc. etc. The only part of the magazine that is better is the tattoos of NJ that people get, pretty weird.

  6. Just goes to show where the man's brain really is.

  7. OK, I work at the same university as these guys and I managed to miss this. Wow.

  8. Can I say just how much I miss the Weekly World News? Oh, yeah, there's a website, but it's not the same.

    I actually had a subscription and not only did it make the *best* wrapping paper for gifts, but it occasionally coughed up a fantastic story.

    One of my all-time favorite stories was, "WAS THE ANTICHRIST MENTIONED IN THE BIBLE REALLY A SUPERCOMPUTER?" And it had a picture of an Apple IIe. I had it on my office door when I worked for a supercomputing center. Probably still have it in a folder somewhere...

  9. ST. JOHNS, ANTIGUA, NOVEMBER 22, 2004 In a perfect example of Americana pop culture phenomenon, a grilled cheese sandwich that bears the image of the Virgin Mary has been sold on eBay to Internet casino for $28,000 USD.

    Seller Diana Duyser made the sandwich ten years ago, and after taking one bite out of it, noticed the Virgin Mary's face staring back at her. She put the sandwich in a clear plastic box with cotton balls and kept it on her night stand. Duyser, 52, believes the sandwich has brought her luck over the years and is truly convinced of its divinity.

  10. Pareidolia + mirror neurons firing, I think!


So wadda you think?