Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Mr. Hedbutt: "Where'd you to go college, doc?"

Dr. Grumpy: "Big State University."

Mr. Hedbutt: "Really?"

Dr. Grumpy: "Yes. Why?"

Mr. Hedbutt: "I'm surprised. Usually Dr. Concierge, my internist, knows better than to refer me to you public school people."


  1. I'm speechless. What, exactly, did you say to him?

  2. I just went on with the appointment. I figured if he wanted to leave he'd tell me. He didn't say anything further about it.

  3. Wait till he finds out you don't drive a Maserati!!

  4. I am a night school people, I've always looked up to public school people.
    I will laugh long at this. What a freaking goof.

  5. Are private yak herding schools more prestigious than their state-funded counterparts?


  6. I probably would have said something like "they taughhht us to read and write real good thare and even some of that medicine stuff too... we didn't even have to share books or nuthin"

  7. I'd rather have the doctor (or yak herder) who graduated at the top of his class from a public school than one from the bottom of the private school classes. Just sayin'...

  8. I personally wouldn't want the top of the class graduate from either school as my doctor. With rare exceptions, they make horrible practicing doctors.

  9. I'd rather have a doctor (or yak herder) who is competent. To hell with where the degree is from.

  10. I feel secure that he will regret his elitism when Occupy Wall street turns violent and the bourgeoisie come for him.

  11. I'll admit, as a Canuck, it's always odd hearing about the state vs private universities in the US. Here, most schools are of a relatively homogenous quality, so saying where you went usually doesn't add much credence to your qualifications.

  12. @ Bobbie - Maserati's are over rated anyway. Go for the R8, Dr. G.

  13. :|

    Just out of curiosity, is he called Mr Hedbutt because of where his cranium was lodged, or because of the most appropriate act of violence one could direct towards him?

  14. Duh. You probably got in on some at risk kids scholarship. ;-)

  15. Wow! Honestly, I don't care where my MD's go to school as long as they are board certified in their area of expertise. I always remember hearing the joke, "What do the call the person who graduates last in their medical school class (or something like that)? And I am sure we all know the punch line: DOCTOR!

  16. I am a private university people and I look up to my doctor, who is a public university alum. Why? BECAUSE HE IS MY DOCTOR. Good lord.

  17. Hmmm. Let's see here...when my son almost died a few years ago he ended up in a teaching hospital affiliated with a public school and the doctor who had a good part in saving his life was a professor at that school and had graduated from a different public school. Yeah, I'm pretty happy with those public schools. :)

  18. Dude, I'm going to a prestigious fancy private school because I want to be a good RESEARCHER, not because it'll make me a better dr. And last I heard, the best researchers make the worst drs anyway....

  19. I would have invited him to leave. And told him I don't provide services to people who have no manners, as it usually turns out badly.

  20. "Yeah, I'm surprised too. Dr. Concierge should know better than to refer snobs and elitists to me."

  21. Some punk asked me, "why did you choose [public school] instead of [private school]?" Ummm, because I don't equate the quality of my education to the amount of debt I'm in?

  22. Grumpy:

    I smell a rat. Usually these types are overextended and don't pay bills promptly....'cause they don't care what trouble they inflict on the "little people".

    If he doesn't, fire him.

  23. You went to a state school... Damn, I'll never read this blog again...

    Er, wait, nevermind.. I went to a state school too.

  24. Weird. In Australia, no-one goes to private universities. There's 2 in the whole country.

  25. I'm not a doctor, but if I were that guy would really think poorly of me....I started at...GASP...a community college!

  26. Well, I did gradduate from a private college. But I hear that you Big State folks are taught real good, too.

  27. Phew!!! It's a good thing you didn't tell him that you ACTUALLY went to a 2 year community college to get your M.D.

    not that he would have been able to tell the difference between that an a University. ;)

  28. We only have one med school (in a public uni) in Singapore and it has crazy high standards. Hence, docs that graduate locally are considered to be very competent.


So wadda you think?