Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Dr. Grumpy: "Hi, I'm Dr. Grumpy. What can I do for you, sir?"

Mr. Gregorian: "My previous neurologist retired, so I want to get established with one for this year."

Dr. Grumpy: "Okay. What's up?"

Mr. Gregorian: "I was looking at my calender, and realized that I have heart attacks in even-numbered years and strokes in odd-numbered years. Since it's getting late in 2011 I need to get ready."


  1. I get that. I can relate. In 2008 I had to see a retina specialist about my right eye about two months before a trip to Europe. He warned me that it was likely to occur in my left eye also. This year about six weeks before my next trip across the Atlantic my left eye starts giving me problems.

    What is it with eye problems and me and transAtlantic flights?

  2. Can understand why the previous neurologist retired, he when crazy and lost his license

  3. Hey, if he has had multiple strokes, sounds like he may need a neurologist. Doesn't hurt to be prepared.

  4. Did he keep track of the heart attacks/strokes on his iPhone?

  5. How many heart attacks and strokes did it take him to pick up on the pattern, I wonder.

  6. I think he needs t see a nueronumerologist.

  7. ...I can't believe it but that actually makes sense to me.

  8. On the one hand, my first thought was for Star Trek movies.

    On the other, there were a few years there where there'd be a betting pool every January 1st on how long it'd be until I wound up back in the hospital. I feel for him, I do.

  9. a well organized guy, hard to find these days...

  10. A clever way to say "I've had far too many strokes NOT to have a neurologist 24/7."

    Presumably he has someone for his heart too?

  11. One of the funniest things in your "patients' tales" is the nicknames you find out for patients. Mr Gregorian is hilarious ;-)


So wadda you think?