Tuesday, August 2, 2011

"You want that plain, glazed, or with sprinkles?" (wink, wink)

When Dunkin Donuts picked "America runs on Dunkin" as their slogan, I bet they didn't think of this lady.

To make it even better, while searching for the story, I discovered this review of that DD franchise:

(click to enlarge)


  1. OMG, I was there this morning! I have a neuro appt tomorrow, do you think she can help my new anxiety?

  2. Well, she's quite an industrious young lady!

  3. Our donuts are good, but our holes are better!

  4. Seems appropriate. What's the shape of what she's selling?

  5. Depends what you're Dunkin.

  6. How is that a crime? That's an employee going the extra mile! 100% customer satisfaction!

    And the irony of cops taking six weeks to bring down a "DUNKIN DONUTS" worker has not escaped me.

  7. That is the DD in the town I grew up in. The cop is a "special" sort of guy that dated a high school girl when he was at least 15 years older than her. I would not be surprised if there was good reason it took 6 weeks.

  8. DD fired her. Now she works at In & Out Burger.


So wadda you think?