Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Mary's desk, August 9, 2011

Guy walks in, stands up front.

Mary: "Hi, can I help you?"

Mr. Papers: "I have an appointment with Dr. Grumpy."

Mary: "Oh, yes. I mailed you our new-patient registration forms last week."

Mr. Papers: "I have them right here." (hands papers across counter)

Mary: "Thank you... Um, sir, these are completely blank."

Mr. Papers: "Was I supposed to fill them out?"


  1. There is a finite limit to human intelligence, but stupidity knows no bounds.

  2. And that was why we quit mailing out the forms...waste of postage for either forgotten forms or not filled out forms.

  3. I'm with CholeraJoe, unbelievable!

  4. I can understand why people take an ignorant and uneducated stance with their personal health... I mean who want's to follow directions? pfft.

  5. "But I brought a stool sample, just in case you need one."

  6. I've had it in reverse. Fill out forms and mail them back to , then show up and "lets just review these for correctness and then we'll submit them to the department that needs them". Why did I send them ahead then?

  7. lets see.....Scarlet fever @9 yrs; adnoid removed @ have seen me for over 20 yrs I'm in my 70's and nobody reads this crap anyway and I filled this out three days ago......aaargh

    oh wait it's a rule


  8. Anon 12:53, and then they won't bill your insurance until a year later even though you wrote it down and showed them your card.
    After a year that's just too bad.

  9. Ah, I see why he needs a neurologist. Frontal lobe damage.

  10. The Evil ReceptionistAugust 10, 2011 at 9:05 PM

    ER's Mom, I've made that same argument for a long time, and I *always* get outvoted, and I've never understood it.

  11. I've dutifully mailed my forms back only to my GP to have to re-fill them out when I got there because my forms had not yet been scanned by central records... niether copy of them seems to have made it to my records at all(2.5 yrs later)... super awesome... we go over the same stuff that was covered in the form every apointment. The Allergist has forms online to print and bring with you... BEST THING since online refill requests :).

  12. And now we see why he is seeing a neuro...

  13. On the other hand, I remember one doctor's Desk Dragon getting very nasty with me because I declined to write a cheque and insisted that she wait until my husband arrived to pick me up, at which time he would write the cheque. The fact that I am right-handed and had just had surgery on my right wrist escaped her completely.


So wadda you think?