Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Doctor talk

Dr. Grumpy: "Do you take birth control pills?"

Dr. Veterinarian: "No, I've been spayed. Uh, I mean, I had my tubes tied."


  1. ER's Mom here:


  2. I was 28 when I had it done so always tell people I have been spayed,it usually gives me enough time to walk away before they ask why :)

  3. Someone listened to bob barker. . .

  4. I usually ask my friends who say they are done having kids which one is going to the vet. It is cheaper than going to a human doctor.

  5. Did you reply, "Bark like a Dog!" In a Carl Spackler voice?

  6. Just as long as she doesn't say her husband's been neutered.

  7. I say it all the time, when asked what my job title is I write down "Domestic Engineer." It's for my own entertainment.

  8. Yes, resposible multidog owner who has made that pronouncement more than once. BTW, would have been much cheaper if I could have gotten the vet to do it vs an OB/GYN;)

  9. Speaking as a veterinarian with clips on her Fallopian tubes, it is not the same thing. A spay involves removal of the ovaries and almost all of the uterus. If my OBGYN had removed all that from me, I would have gelded him...without anesthesia.

  10. Oh come on.... it's ovariohysterectamey.... :)

  11. You're right, Can'tSpell, DVM. You can't spell ovariohysterectomy, or oophorohysterectomy for that matter. I can, though.

  12. If you ask me, patient needs a lip suction job, for word use control,
    perhaps coupled with front lobe reprogramming.

  13. I know this is a super old posting, but I'm sure I'm not the only one that comes to the blog as a new reader and reads way back.

    I had to reply, because this reminded me of when I was a kid. I can't remember how old I was, but I started bugging my mom asking for a younger brother or sister. Eventually my mom told me it was impossible, could never happen. I asked why, and she said my dad had surgery so that he couldn't have any more kids. So I went to school and told all my friends that my dad was neutered.


So wadda you think?