Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Dear Dr. Whozawhatsit,

Thank you for faxing me this remarkably helpful picture last night:

For the life of me, I have no idea what it is. Since you left the name off, I have no idea who it is, either. In fact the only thing legible on it was your name. So maybe it's you? But you're not one of my patients (perhaps you should be).

Anyway, I'm sure these amazingly clear pictures will be of tremendous use in my treatment of their condition, whatever it is. Whoever it is. And whatever the hell it's a picture of.

Yours truly,

Ibee Grumpy, M.D.


  1. Queen Silly BritchesAugust 30, 2011 at 9:06 AM

    It's a good thing you can write about these things in a blog. Otherwise, you might implode.

  2. Are you blind?
    It's an MRI of a Sloe Gin Fizz.
    And you call yourself a Fizzitian.

  3. I'm pretty sure that's a still from the video to Nine Inch Nails' "Closer". How does Dr. Whozawhatsit feel about 90's industrial music?

  4. Clearly these are key stills from an EGH -- esophagogastrohysteroscopy.

  5. Is this the physician equivalent of photocopying your butt?

  6. maybe he accidentally faxed you one of the APOD pics?

  7. In the lower-right picture, is that a tropical depression brewing near Cuba?

  8. OMG THEY'VE GOT CARSON! Have the kidnappers contacted you yet?

  9. "My God...the horror....those creatures...they're like nothing we've seen on earth before....I only have a few moments left to warn the world...if I can just get to the fax machine before it's too..."

  10. Must be someones bum, looks in a bad way though :-)

  11. Space aliens. When in doubt, it is always the space aliens.

  12. i see a hip bone...if you know what i mean.

    Could this be someone secretly flirting with Dr. Grumpy?

  13. *squint* I'm not entirely sure but I think you may have been goatse'd.

  14. The one on upper left is someone's butt-cheeks on a copy machine... it has to be

  15. I think it's a GI series (bottom left -- calcified Cinnabon?)

  16. quitcherbellyaching (as they say) or he will just find some one else to give him a consult! Be careful though, because maybe he is a vet and it is not human. maybe look him up; find out his specialty, and work backwards from there...

  17. Anonymous at 8:43, hahahahahahahaha
    "Are you blind?
    It's an MRI of a Sloe Gin Fizz.
    And you call yourself a Fizzitian."

  18. The top left seems like it might be a squid beak, the right is a picture of a waterfall in a cave, the bottom left is the squid's eye, and the bottom right is another part of the cave. Piece of cake. You couldn't determine that?

    WV: beatins-what the MD will get as a result of this fax once Dr. Grumpy gets ahold of them.

  19. Is this the physician equivalent of a drunk call?

  20. Whatever they've got, it looks serious.

  21. It's a PA and lateral view of your soul, dude.

  22. given the state of mongolian imaging, you are clearly the most qualified to spot the pituitary adenoma in the third panel.

  23. I think that's probably a colonoscopy. The top left one looks hyperplastic, but the top right one looks like a pedunculated polyp. I'd suggest, pending the pathology of course, a followup colonoscopy in 5 years or so.

    And I didn't realize neurology was so thorough...

  24. @ Jacob,it's a colonoscopy of a guy who has his head up his ass


So wadda you think?