Friday, August 12, 2011

And in today's news...

1. There are many good ways to wake-up a loved one in the morning. Leftover fireworks isn't one of them.

2. When getting out of a taxi without paying, please remember to take your bong and ID with you.

Thank you, Lee and Don!


  1. Ooh! I so want to try the leftover fireworks one on my husband some weekend. Just to see what would happen. I'll bet it's better than coffee.

  2. A younger, dumber me used to wake my roommates up with firecrackers inside a stock pot...granted, it wasn't actually serious fireworks, just a step above sparklers, those ones that go "pop" and that's it, but the stock pot would amplify the sound and make it seem so much louder.

  3. "That wasn't the kind of bang I wanted you to wake me up with!"

  4. I don't think the waking had anything really to do with it. Rather, don't mix explosives and alcohol.


So wadda you think?