Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Dr. Grumpy: "Do have your MRI report here?"

Mr. Lumbar: "No, but it said I have disks in my back."

Dr. Grumpy: "Everyone does. Did it say anything more specific?"

Mr. Lumbar: "Um, it mentioned bones, too."


  1. did it mention anything about a brain?

  2. You have such incredibly helpful patients. :-D

  3. I cannot imagine why they thought they gave you an adequate answer. What kind of stupid crap is that? Sorry, I'm in a mood. Had it been me, I likely would have retorted in my most sarcastic voice, "NO, really? Why on earth would it show those things?" Stupid.

  4. There can be all kinds of explanations for a response like that. I once met a depressive, who would answer almost everything like that, dismissive--almost like their ability to concentrate beyond what was going on inside was impossible. I have seen it in greiving people too. Their shell must be cracked to get them to engage, otherwise they just say things, much of which makes no sense.

  5. So he's not spineless then, unlike poor Mr Loopner who had to live in a basket.

  6. As someone who has been in the depths of clinical depression, I agree with Packer. Talking was a huge effort, but not talking made them persist with their questions, so I would just mumble something to get them to stop asking me questions.

  7. Well, there's the problem! No spinal cord!

    If he didn't say it, they didn't see it.

  8. Mwahaha. It's kind of cute, though. Unless, of course, you're *in* the situation (like you) and not just reading about it. ;-P

  9. ..It was fun going through your blog.


So wadda you think?