Sunday, June 26, 2011

Weekend reruns

I got called to the hospital on Monday to see an elderly man, who lives with his kids.

On Friday night he fell asleep on the couch while watching TV. He looked so comfortable the family put a blanket over him and left him there.

He slept all day Saturday, barely moving. They left him alone.

And Sunday morning.

It wasn't until early Sunday afternoon that somebody thought, "Hey, Gramps hasn't woken up in over 40 hours. Maybe we should try to wake him".

Not surprisingly, they discovered they couldn't wake him up, and called 911.

So that's today's medical advice: It is NOT normal to sleep for almost 48 continuous hours.


  1. Even post call and post nights I've never managed better than 36.

  2. Not even after a week of nights on-call?

  3. Sheesh! I take a second look at my geriatric DOG if he doesn't stir when I walk through a room!

  4. That’s great !~! We all want to “die in our sleep” so it’s a good thing.

    right... ?

  5. Unless of course you're a medical resident coming off of a long run of call. Then 48 hours of sleeping is acceptable as long as the person gets up at least once every 24 hours to pee.

  6. there are some times when i would like to ... like now ..................

  7. If he was "barely moving" on Saturday then he WAS moving, meaning he was still alive, meaning that maybe he could have been saved if someone had bothered to check him.

  8. My roommate (who seems to have some form of Autism) sometimes sleeps for 48 hours or more when he has days off from work. He doesn't seem to be ill during those times...he just sleeps.

    So, it seems that sleeping for 48 hours straight is normal and of no concern for SOME people.

  9. It's a proven fact you save on food costs when grandparents sleep, instead of eating.

    Geez. Doesn't anybody wonder if Grandpa might be getting deyhdrated?

  10. but then on the other side, he seems to have had a peaceful death in his own home...

  11. But if Dr Grumpy was called to see him on Monday, one assumes he was still alive. Even the best neurologist can't do much for a deceased patient...

  12. No one else wanted to sit on the couch that entire 48 hours?? Geez, my kids get upset on Saturday mornings if another one of them sleeps late!

  13. What anonymous said.

  14. 1.) I did the 48 hour thing after a week of cramming for finals freshman year of college.

    2.) I did it again after a marathon ICU call 2nd year residency.

    The first time my parents freaked out when I wouldn't wake up. The second time they didn't even react when I mumbled half-asleep nonsense into the phone when they called.

  15. I'd be worrying that Gramps' bladder might be getting a little full.


So wadda you think?