Monday, June 20, 2011

"Today's forecast: Hot and humid, with a chance of showers"

Thank you, Bob!


  1. Tonight it will be hot and humid in Berlin, Germany, because that's where my GF lives ;-)

  2. All of my lesbian friends would like a refund plz. k thanks, haha.

  3. I wonder if it shrinks when it's cold...

  4. My noon is always first thing every morning.

  5. Hmmmm, how do you conceal that kind of radio? Why would you need one right there instead of near your audio receptors? Is this another gimmick to lure dumb guys in & give them a reason to brag? Maybe it could be used as a pick-up line: hey wanna check out my "jewels" they're musical!

  6. Maybe the sound of the alarm is that of a rooster crowing.

  7. Golden showers in the forecast?

  8. i worked as a typesetter in my younger days ... and i can tell you whoever typed or proofed that ad got in a lot of trouble.
    in about 500pt type for a huge chain in my town ... instead of "SHIRT SALE" i had ... yes, "SHIT SALE" ... imagine it went through me, the person that built the ad, the proofreader, the store manager, the salesperson, the editor, the printer ... and it printed!
    i wasn't allowed to do "shirt" sale ads for a long time.

  9. "Hi, I'm Philip, and I think you have something of mine..."

  10. The left knob is for tuning and the right knob is for volume. Retractable cover optional.

  11. OHH the latest electronic POS. I saw them for sale in the hardware store, but properly spelled.

  12. On the subject of sign typos, one woman lost her job after publishing an advertisement for a 'Pubic Auction', rather than a 'public auction'

  13. Well since most men THINK with that body part, it would be most fitting that it spoke also.

  14. You will never be caught (in the rain) with your pants down again.

  15. Anyone noticing the shape of the art to the right? It only serves to emphasize, if you get my drift.

  16. Hey 'Nony, I work in a similar business and you would THINK with all the eyes on the verbiage that SOMEONE would catch it.

    Ha. ... Ha. ... Ha.

    Seriously, people depend too much on the super-duper magical spell check in their computers. Esp. if they are not native speakers of English.

    Unfortunately, spell check in most computers consider that word to be a legitimate one. After all, what do you call a male chicken? ("rooster" does not count) What is fortunate or unfortunate, depending on your position, most non-native speakers of English do not know the other meaning of that word.

    And I avoid the word "public" like plague. Why? Too many people have done the "l slip" and converted the word to "pubic."

    Amazing you do not catch it, but your maiden Aunt Tilly who has never had a dirty thought in her life (Ha!) will spot it at 1,000 yards.

  17. Bah, I am waiting for the Artisan Cock Radio with Weather Display.

  18. I worked in a grocery store that was the newest in the franchise. The product descriptions had been downloaded from the central office, but someone had changed the fertilizer printout to "Bag of Shit." Albertson's, McDermott, Allen TX, late 1990s.

  19. Heat and humidity greater for the uncircumcised than the circumcised.


So wadda you think?