Thursday, June 16, 2011


Dr. Grumpy: "Any other neurological issues you want me to know about?"

Mr. Fiber: "I have bowel movements 4 times a day, and have since childhood. No more, no less."


  1. So on the bright side no pathology of the sacral plexus or cauda equina syndrome.

    4 times a day is quite excessive though I suppose. Did you then ask the Bristol Stool scale?

  2. I think that falls under "TMI!"

  3. Dude, FOUR times? How does he get anything DONE?

    At least we know he's well read.

  4. Now, I'm not a neurologist, but unless I am suuper off track here, the brain is in the head, yes? And poop is based mostly quite far from the head? I don't want to presume here, but it seems only very...loosely neurological?

  5. "They're definitely an acquired taste, though."

  6. Was that a complaint, or was he bragging?

  7. A severe case of recto-cranial inversion.

  8. I think he was trying to tell you to move the exam along so to speak.

  9. I guess he must be super skinny because whatever he eats will go down to toilet :p

  10. Excuse me, Grumpy, sounds like you may now definitively eliminate neurogenic bowel from any of your discussions with Mr. X. ;->

    If he continues, then perhaps a nice psych consult for OCD may be in order.

    Oh, we hear about bowels all the time in rehab. I do draw the line on discussing them when I am not working amongst friends.

  11. I dunno...that seems like overkill.

  12. You could set a clock by that.

  13. So, like most Democrats, he makes alot of product.

  14. aaah... the republican life cycle of the mockingbird.

  15. PFA. no one and nothing is THAT regular....even on an air plane? even with the flu? I just do not believe it.

  16. If I recall my anatomy classes correctly, the body does have three to four major paristaltic waves in a day amongst the smaller and more frequent ones we normally think of when thinking paristalsis. These typically follow meals and are what one responds to when feeling the urge to defecate. Not all people act on them. This information would indicate the patient is in tune with his body? Or that he confuses neurology with gastroenterology. I mean, they do both end with ology...

  17. "Thanks for sharing."

  18. Neurological? Brain-related? Bowel movements? Isn't there an American expression "shit-for-brains?

  19. This is supposed to be neurological in nature? I guess you're dealing with a case of recto-cranial inversion.

  20. Um, the only people that have ever announced their poops to me have been potty training children. Perhaps this gentleman was still getting an M&M or a sticker every time he went potty like a big boy?


So wadda you think?