Friday, June 10, 2011


Dr. Grumpy: "When did the migraine start?"

Mrs. Armoire: "Monday, when my husband and I were talking. He'd just come out of the closet."

Dr. Grumpy: "That must have been quite a shock."

Mrs. Armoire: (gives me weird look) "Not really. He was putting away his jacket."


  1. Haha, good attempt at empathy, Dr Grumpy!

  2. A hilarious misunderstanding!

  3. And by putting away his "jacket" you mean... oh right!

  4. Queen Silly BritchesJune 10, 2011 at 8:44 AM

    Sounds like someone needs a foot-in-the-mouth-ectomy. Eh, Dr. Grumpy?

  5. Some weird looks are called for, nay they are demanded.

  6. I may have hesitated on this one, not knowing if she was being literal or using the figurative. Was your statement in jest or serious?

  7. I assumed it was figurative, and was trying to be concerned.

    Obviously, I wasn't even close.

  8. Hey Dr G., repeat after me...

    "The average American doesn't understand British style ironic humour.

    The average American doesn't understand British style ironic humour.

    The average American doesn't understand British style ironic humour."

  9. How did the rest of your session with her go???

  10. My thoughts: Oh! Yeah....I can imagine how that might have given you a headache....oh, wait.

  11. Maybe she was shocked that he put his jacket away in the closet instead of dumping it on the couch as usual.

  12. haha that's awesome :)
    along somewhat similar (ok totally different) lines, I saw a group of chihuahuas today. I walked into the exam room, saw this herd of chihuahuas and said "wow, all of a sudden yo quiero taco bell!" The room filled with the sounds of crickets chirping. I tried again "it's a perrito party!" but again, crickets. Oh well. I was having fun!

  13. This reminds me of an episode of Three's Company. You know, the one with the misunderstanding . . .

  14. This was absolutely priceless. Too funny.

  15. It does make one wonder what the connection is in this woman's mind to her husband putting away his jacket and her migraine...

  16. Alert! Logical Disconnect!
    Brains in neutral, everyone!
    Thinking out of the closet needed here.
    OK, here's one........
    How about headache caused by armpit odor?

  17. I don't think you need to feel embarrassed, Dr Grumpy. SHE was the one who used the phrase that was open to misunderstanding.


So wadda you think?