Monday, June 13, 2011

Human nature

Mrs. Marlboro: "What can I do to prevent having another stroke?"

Dr. Grumpy: "Quit smoking. You also need to start taking your medications as prescribed."

Mrs. Marlboro: "That's a lot of work. Can't I just take a vitamin or something?"


  1. *Facepalm* Some people deserve their fate. If you have an opportunity to make a positive change and you blow it off, no sympathy here.

  2. They will get me to give up my cigarette when they pry my cold dead hands from around them--Yup, that is probably exactly what will happen.

  3. the American way: fix it with a pill. You eat like a pig..take a pill. You smoke like a chimney, use an inhaler. You can't effectively parent your kids, give them pills.


  4. @Chick, you forgot "and then demand that someone else pay for those pills."

  5. "Or smoke some of those new vitamin-enriched cigarettes?"

  6. Rome was not built in a day, bad habits cant usually be stopped in a day.

  7. It's going to be hard to swallow those vitamins with all that dysphagia from your next massive stroke.

  8. "Sure that'll work. Since you are so compliant with taking your other meds I am positive you will have no trouble with ths one either.

  9. Right, Nite Nurse? If he can't manage to take one set of pills the doctor gave him, why does he think he'll take a different set of pills? "Vitamin" does not mean, "The pill puts itself into your mouth for you!"

  10. Yes, there is a "one shot", "one time" panacea for what ails you. It is in the form of a suppository and contains a mixture of lead and copper which you insert into either ear canal. The handy applicator is manufactured in this country by Smith and Wesson.
    Have a nice day.

  11. My mother died at age 58 from a stroke, mainly due to smoking. My father died with lung cancer. My sister is a 51 year old type 1 diabetic home health care nurse who won't stop smoking. Recently I had to give her money for bills, but of course, she had money to buy cigarettes. I despise everything about them.

  12. Correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't rehab after a debilitating stroke be "a lot of work" too?
    --Queen Anne's Lace

  13. "That's a lot of work. Can't I just take a vitamin or something?"

    haha. No wonder you called her Mrs. Marlboro. There are indeed so many stubborn people in the planet.

    Cathy@medical products

  14. She could always try dying of something else first.

  15. Anon: "Dying of something else first"
    Yeah! Right On! Preferably before the next appointment is due!
    Lead poisoning perhaps?

  16. Just tell him his prescribed meds are special herbal vitamins.


So wadda you think?