Friday, June 3, 2011

Feed issue

I have NO idea how another blog, a non-English one, got linked to my feed. I haven't touched the settings since I set up the feed 6 months ago. I'm looking into it now. All the settings appear to be correct, and the feed source codes haven't been changed. So I'm hoping this is some odd technical glitch.

Hopefully this is a temporary issue that will be fixed soon.



  1. I was going to ask about that this morning. It's kind of amusing in some ways, but weird at the same time. Hope it gets sorted out soon.

  2. I wondered why my RSS feed suddenly had a Grumpylanche(TM). It's attack of the pod bloggers!

  3. Mrs Dr Grumpy: "So, tell me again how a 16 year old German girl got the keys to your blog?"

    Dr Grumpy: " "

  4. I saw that on my Blogger reader.

    BTW I believe they're Polish, at least from the looks of the words, anyway (took a Polish class many moons ago...)

  5. There was a thread about this on the google help forums from a few other bloggers. Someone suggested it was from using custom templates that had a backdoor built in to them. One user was something like, "psychobabler" if you want to look it up... she reported switching to one of the default templates stoppped it.

    Personally, I just figured it's another case of "google goofs". Just found your blog, btw - courtesy of Val@absurdoldbird. I like it much!

  6. Ah ha, covering for Congressman Weiner I see. Just wait until some co ed gets a picture of your............

  7. No issues at all. It was amusing..

  8. I've been having some odd issues with Google trying to redirect me to random websites whenever I click on search results. At first I thought it was Google changing their search so that you randomly get sent to advertisements instead of the link you clicked on, but it's more likely to be some sort of virus that I have so far been unsuccessful at hunting down.

    I was convinced that this weird glitch was a result of that virus finally infecting my Google Reader too, and was scanning my hard drive with a variety of anti-malware trying to figure out where the problem was.

    Good to know it's not just me.

  9. This is apparently going on in a couple of Blogspot places. The RSS feed for the Dinosaurs and Robots blog is showing some Italian facebook blog.

  10. Ok I'm glad I'm not the only one who had this problem! I thought it was just my computer wigging out.


So wadda you think?