Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Reliable sources

Mrs. Popliteal: "I've been having terrible pain in my knee. It needs an MRI."

Dr. Grumpy: "Hmmm. Have you talked to your internist about this?"

Mrs. Popliteal: "No, I talked to this lady at the Post Office."

Dr. Grumpy: "A lady at the..."

Mrs. Popliteal: "She was wearing a knee brace, so she must have known what she was talking about. Anyway, she said I need an MRI. Will you order one?"


  1. Ah, the Post Office employee, of course she knows medicine! Wearing a knee brace automatically gives someone medical knowledge?!
    Good God!

  2. Man, does that mean the psych-patient I saw today and told me that I was crazy was right?
    I'm in a lot of trouble then...

  3. Neither snow, nor rain, nor dark of night, nor barking knees that click and clack shall stay these couriers from their appointed rounds.

    Having worn a knee brace on occassion, I can tell you that the time to wear it is while you sleep to keep your knee from twisting in the covers as you toss and turn. Wearing it in the day time is not the time. Most people don't know that. No charge and now you don't need the MRI

  4. People are funny. I had a guy ask me last week which eye drops to use for his allergies. I spent a few minutes with him, and gave him my best recommendation. A few minutes later, I saw him ask the floor manager (not a pharmacist) what he should be using. He bought what he and the floor manager talked about. At least, he bought it at my store. I have had people ask me for recommendations, then say thanks, they were going to Walmart and buy that because it was probably cheaper. Oh well, what are you gonna do?


  5. Pffftttt, I don't need medical training to know what tests I need, random strangers have never steered me wrong before!

  6. As a doc, this DRIVES me nuts! I can't tell you how many times I've spent an hour with someone coming up with a treatment plan, looking at labs only to have them come back doing none of it, but taking all sorts of things someone at church/work/grocery/healthfood store/tv told them to take. I wonder why they aren't better???

  7. Somebody please tell me why I'm in med school? I knew it...I should have opted to work at the post office

  8. "Oh, and there was also a giant pink dragon who told me I needed more Percocet."

  9. This is along the same lines as people who come into the pharmacy and say they need Flonase because their friend was on it 5 years ago and it worked really well for them. That's when you realize they don't even know it's for allergies, that it needs a prescription, and they are actually just sick.

  10. I'm sure you're thinking about all the money and time you've wasted. Who'd thunk being a doctor only required a leg brace and a visit to the post office.

  11. The second opinion is the best one ;-)

  12. it is probably harder to get a post office job than to get into med school. i am an md. no way i could have worked for the usps.

  13. So in general which is a better source of medical info? The "random dood" or the Internet? By "better" I mean "closer to a sane doc's advice..."

  14. Terri C, I'd say the internet. The random dood at least has some semblance of societal pressure not to jerk you around (by the virtue of talking to you face to face), whereas that courtesy clearly doesn't extend to the rest of the internet.

  15. I hope she has my insurance. Before they will approve an MRI you must have 4 years of PT and prove that your body does contain said injured part.

  16. I'm a MA and we had a patient come in telling everyone she had skin cancer because her HAIRDRESSER told her she did... Then she didn't want it biopsied.

  17. Anonymous 8:27, I once went to a hairdresser who had a big dermatology textbook and told me "We have to be able to diagnose all these scalp conditions!". She proceeded to propose various possible causes of a mild erythema of my hair parting. I didn't have the heart to tell her it was sunburn.
    Note that I only went to her ONCE.

  18. Great! You can now refer all your orthopedic patients to the Post Office! (At least they will get their checks rubberstamped!) You might have to up your malpractice ins cover though.....


So wadda you think?