Saturday, May 28, 2011


It was Halloween. Frank was 1 year old. The twins hadn't been born.

The trick-or treaters had come and gone. I was putting things away, when the doorbell rang again.

I probably shouldn't have answered it, but figured we still had lots of candy, and were better off getting rid of it. So I did.

It was 2 guys. Both wearing pillow cases over their heads. Both with their hands out of sight. They said nothing. One started reaching into his jacket pocket.

Before I could slam the door, Blackdog suddenly lunged out of nowhere, growling and barking. She'd placidly laid in the hall and watched one group of trick-or-treaters after another, without moving. But now she was suddenly out for blood.

The two guys bolted and ran as she came for them. I grabbed her collar and slammed & locked the door.

Thank you, Blackdog, for everything. Your amazing 16 year run of devotion came to a peaceful end last week, and we will miss you.

Thank you for always watching over (and putting up with) us.

You've earned your rest, my furry friend. See you on the other side.


  1. I'm truly sorry for your loss. I remember when our first dog died, a week before my 13th birthday. I was at school and I was given a message by the school receptionist. I bawled my eyes out, in front of all my class mates and didn't care what they thought or said.
    It's a distressing time for you and your family. My thoughts are with you.

  2. I'm so sorry, to you and your family, for the loss of Blackdog. Hope you are all hanging in there. Losing a pet is never easy. Hope the other dogs are coping with the loss as well. Take care, all of you!

  3. My heart breaks for you. Losing a pet is one of the most painful things I've ever experienced, and I will be thinking of you. I know Blackdog knew she was very loved!

  4. I am so sorry. I almost cried reading this. It is so hard to lose a pet, and I know you realize how lucky you were to have Blackdog in your life.

  5. Oh, I am so sorry. What a good dog.

  6. Losing a pet is the same as losing a family member. My thoughts are with you.

  7. It's never easy losing a friend of sixteen years, furry or not.

    I can sympathize...


  8. Thinking of you and your family.

    It's been three years since the last of our three pets died and we still think and talk about them all the time.

  9. Aw D: I'm so sorry!

  10. I'm so sorry Dr Grumpy. we had to put our 15 yr old dog down last week and it does break the heart doesn't it? my condolences. :(

  11. I'm so sorry. What a wonderful dog.

  12. I have been following your blog for quite some time and am always entertained by what you have to say... but I've never been moved to comment before.

    Today, however, I need to take a moment to offer my condolences to you and your family. Thank you for sharing your story of Blackdog's heroics, and for showing the pictures. I am sure Blackdog is waiting at the Rainbow Bridge with my Ollie-dog waiting for us to join them some day. Until then, keep enjoying the memories and know that she knows how much she was loved.

  13. Sorry for you loss. So sad, but remember that all dogs go to heaven.

  14. I'm sorry for your loss, Dr. Grumpy. You were lucky to have 16 years with such a devoted friend, and you gave her a long and happy life.

  15. I am so sorry for your loss. I know how hard it is when a pet passes away. Condolences to you and your family.

  16. 16 years is along time to share with a good dog; I'm glad you had that, and I'm sorry you have lost her.

  17. Sorry to hear about your loss, Dr. Grumpy. I can't imagine having that kind of loyal companion for so many years and all of a sudden they're gone. Be well.

  18. Oh, Dr. G, I'm so sorry. Hope the kids and Nurse G are coping with it OK.

  19. I'm so sorry Dr. Grumpy. My bulldog Lucy died last year at age 11 and she gave us nothing but love and her loss still leaves an empty spot in the heart. 16 years is good, long run, may your loyal friend RIP.

  20. A true family dog. We have one like that too ... our sincerest condolences.

  21. Dogs are the best. I know you and your family will always smile when you think of Blackdog.

  22. I'm so sorry to hear this. Losing a cherished member of the family is always difficult. My condolences to you and your family.

  23. It just blows me away what subtle cues dogs can pick up on in distinguishing between a harmless situation and a dangerous one. Sorry for your loss.

  24. aw so sad. sorry for your loss

  25. I love you too black dog. RIP
    I am very sorry for your loss Grumpy family.

  26. It's hard to have to let them go, but 16 years is a good run. I'm sure she felt loved and appreciated.

  27. My condolences. I'm sorry for your loss, but it sounded like your dog led a full and happy life with you.

  28. I've been reading your blog for quite a long time but have never commented. I'm a second year veterinary student and your story and memories of Blackdog brought tears to my eyes. She was such a good dog and obviously was well cared for and loved very much. My heart goes out to you and your family.

  29. This post brought tears to my eyes. Poor Blackdog. She had a good life.

  30. I'm so sorry Dr Grumpy.

    It never gets any easier.

  31. Reminds me of the story on this site.

    I know there's a dog of ours waiting there for us!

  32. May your many wonderful memories of Blackdog comfort you in the days ahead.

  33. There go my sinuses again...a good dog is hard to find.

  34. What a beautiful girl. My thought are with you and your family.

  35. Charlie (my doxie friend) and I are so sorry for your loss, but glad you had 16 years with your faithful friend.

  36. I am so sorry for your loss, Dr. Grumpy. What a good girl she was.

    --Queen Anne's Lace

  37. Sorry indeed for the loss of Blackdog. She was lucky to be part of the Grumpy family! Such a good girl.

  38. My condoolences, Dr. Grumpy. I am glad Black Dog had such a nappy home and lived a long life with you. I've outlived many cats (never owned a dog) and know that sharp pain that's left behind as they pass.
    I hope your family is able to find comfort in remembering Black Dog.

  39. I'm so sorry for your loss. Blackdog was obviously well loved.

  40. So sorry for your loss, Dr. Grumpy.

    But Anonymous, a good dog is NOT hard to find. There are millions of good dogs in shelters all over the country, waiting for someone to give them a chance.

  41. So sorry for your families loss. Our family once had a blue healer cross "Luna" that looked a lot like Blackdog. My heart melts a little every time a see a dog like her...but it also brings back great memories.

  42. I'm so sorry to hear this. My sympathies.

    The dog I grew up with practically raised my baby sister. The last cat that put up with me knew I was deathly ill before I did. Animals enrich our lives in so many ways.

  43. Safe travels, Blackdog.

  44. My condolences to the Grumpy Family. I have always had cats and/or dogs, and it's so hard when the end comes. But we love our animal friends just the same, and life is better for having them around. I've always said that I like my pets better than I like most people, anyway. The pictures are lovely; may she rest in peace.

  45. ai grumpy. sincere tears.

  46. What a lovely soul. I'm sure it was a mutual love, and I'm glad you got to know her good enough to be blessed with her protectiveness. Letting go is never easy, but knowing that she got the best life is comforting.

  47. What a lovely tribute, RIP Blackdog.

  48. So very sorry for your family's loss.

  49. I am so sorry for you loss. We too experienced the loss of our "blackdog" last week.

  50. I'm so sorry, Dr. G. Sixteen years is a *really* good run for a dog like Black dog. I hope the kids are able to think about the good times with her, and remember her fondly in their grief. You and Mrs. G, too.

  51. I'm so sorry to hear of your loss Dr G. I understand the loss of a family member, as I just had to put one my little furry ones asleep last week. They become a part of us, and it's so hard to let them go.

  52. I am so sorry for your loss. Hugs.

  53. Aww. I'm sorry for your loss, but glad you have many happy (and relieved!) memories of her to live on.

  54. Run free, Blackdog.

    I cried for your loss, Dr. G.

    Hugs to you and yours.

  55. We are so lucky to have friends like dogs. They love us for what we are, never judge, never get upset or hold a grudge, even if we not always deserve it.

    A friend once told me the price we pay for all they give is we have to deal with losing them before we go.

    I am sorry for your loss, Grumpy.

  56. Nothing loves you quite like a dog does. And it certainly hurts to lose a beloved pet. I'm sorry for your loss.

  57. I too had a black dog, named Blackdog, once upon a time... He was a stray who adopted us, my toddler brother had named him & as a teenage fan of Zeppelin, I let it stick.

    He never saved my life, but his valor was true. He lay in the yard & cried with me under the stars the first time I had my heart broken... & was my crutch who supported me to safety when I fell & broke my foot. Comically, he also used to like to carry our neighbor's cat around in his mouth & force the feline to sleep with him much to the kitty's annoyance; it was all love.

    Thanks for sharing & reminding me of my own special Blackdog. =)

  58. I too had a black dog, named Blackdog, once upon a time... He was a stray who adopted us, my toddler brother had named him & as a teenage fan of Zeppelin, I let it stick.

    He never saved my life, but his valor was true. He lay in the yard & cried with me under the stars the first time I had my heart broken... & was my crutch who supported me to safety when I fell & broke my foot. Comically, he also used to like to carry our neighbor's cat around in his mouth & force the feline to sleep with him much to the kitty's annoyance; it was all love.

    Thanks for sharing & reminding me of my own special Blackdog. =)

  59. My condolences. I've had to say goodbye to several furry friends over the years and I know how difficult it is. Blackdog had a long life, and no doubt you and your family made it a good life as well.

  60. I'm so sorry for your loss. She gave you many years of love and memories.

  61. I am sorry for your loss, Dr. Grumpy.

    Run free, Blackdog.

  62. I'm sorry to hear about your pup. I received a copy of The Rainbow Bridge poem from our vet, it helped me.

  63. I'm so sorry to hear this sad news. But sounds like he had a great life. And wow, what a cool story about Halloween!

  64. I am so sorry for your loss. Blackdog was an amazing, beautiful creature inside and out.

  65. I am so very sorry for your loss. What a special, amazing dog. My "best" dog died a few years ago at 14 and there will never be another like her.

  66. I'm sorry to hear of the loss of Blackdog.

    Our little white dog came to us nearly 10 years ago. Her healthy enthusiasm has had a few tests of endurance, as she developed diabetes.

    My husband has been preparing us for some time to deal with losing her perkiness, in imagining what it will be like without her.

    We voice our appreciation for her diligent protection and spunk every day.

  67. I'm so sorry Dr G, and Family.

    I love the idea of a rainbow bridge, and hope that my amazing dog will be waiting for me, and blackdog waiting for you.

  68. Dang, Grumpy, so sorry for the loss of Blackdog. Those furry babies enrich our lives so much. What great companions they are.

  69. We lost our first (furry) child 6 months ago ... I'm sorry - it will get easier! We try and remember that our Kenzie is happily running in heaven's fields and will be waiting our arrival!

  70. Condolences on your loss, Dr. G.

  71. She was a beautiful dog and sounded like a wonderful protector and canine friend. Pets, (companion animals), become family. I'm very sorry for your loss.

  72. Condolences to you and yours Dr. Grumpy; helping a friend go on is always so hard...and a good dog is indeed hard to find.

  73. I'm sorry for your loss. The pain will linger a long time for your bestest of friends.

  74. I used to tell my students that euthanizing a pet is just one more way to show them how much you love them.
    I'm so sorry for your loss. I know you will carry him in your heart and memories until you meet up at the rainbow bridge.

  75. I'm so sorry for Blackdog. She was a great dog. Hopefully, in her next life, she might encounter you and your family again as a protective force somehow. I'm a Buddhist. So, I believe in reincarnation rather than heaven.

  76. "Dogs' lives are too short. Their only fault, really."
    -Agnes Turnbull

  77. Always know the Blackdog had a wonderful family! Bless all :)

  78. Sorry for your family's loss. I hope in the not too far away future another dog gets the chance to join your family and enrich your life.

  79. Sounds like he had a great life and you & your family meant as much to him as he did to you.

    My deepest sympathies to you and yours.

    -Karen A.

  80. RIP, Blackdog. What a good, brave girl you were!

  81. I'm so very sorry for your family's loss ~

  82. Hugs and prayers to you and your family, Dr. I watch my 12 yr ridgeback snooze, knowing his time is near...Blessings to you all.

  83. So sorry for your loss.

  84. Gulp... Im tearing up something fierce, and its getting a bit hard to swallow because of this lump in my throat...

  85. I'm so sorry for your loss.

  86. Ah, GrumpyFamily.
    I'm sorry for your loss.
    My heart goes out to all of you.


    Blackdog, enjoy your time off from the GrumpyFamily and greet them with enthusiasm when they join you.

  87. What a wonderful dog. So sorry he's gone.


  88. Blackdog certainly is an interesting choice in names for a dog that isn't entirely black.

  89. I cried reading this. I've never posted in all the years I've been reading the blog. I'll be thinking of the Grumpy family. RIP Blackdog.

  90. I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm heartsick knowing very soon we'll lose our wonderful 17 yo girl also. Letting them go is so hard.

  91. I am on my 3d dog...get another one. It will not be the same, but there are a lot of homeless dogs that need you (or some other family). Expect to keep talking to Blackdog for awhile too...crazy, but you usually keep talking to the dog even after it is gone...

  92. It would be nice if they could live forever. At least as long as we do.
    In a perfect world.

    Sorry to hear.

  93. Very sorry for your loss

  94. My wife and I enjoy your blog and how you make us laugh, so it is only fair that every now and then you make us cry. I'm so very glad that you had Blackdog in your life for so long and have great memories. I will give my dog Caramel a hug, kiss and an extra treat in Blackdog's memory tonight.

  95. I'm very sorry for you and your family's loss. It sounds like there's going to be a big hole in your lives for the next while.

    I'm also touched by how long a run Black Dog had, and how loved and loving she was. Never forget that her life with your family was a triumph - what life with a dog should be. Don't forget your grief, but don't forget to celebrate her and her life.

  96. So sorry for your family's loss.

  97. I am so very sorry for your loss of this beautiful soul.

  98. So sorry for the loss of Black Dog but so happy that you have 16 year of memories.

  99. *gentle hugs to the Grumpy family*

    Blackdog, have fun tearing a part the garage cans across from the Rainbow Bridge with my Italian Greyhound, Pete. Petey, show Blackdog the ropes, and hope to see you both on the flip side.


  100. I'm so sorry Black Dog is gone. Still miss my own black dog terribly 8 years later. I wish you & your family peace as you grieve.

  101. Awwwww..I'm so sorry your dog has gone to puppy-dog heaven and left you with a hole in your heart. What helped me was adopting another dog fairly quickly. I was so busy retraining her that my pain over the loss was lessened quite a bit. I hope your pain will be short-lived and you will only have good memories left.

  102. My heartfelt sympathies to the Grumpy Family. Blackdog's eyes showed peacefulness and sincere love.

  103. My sincere sympathy for the Grumpy family, other four-legged members included. Hard… hard to say good-bye.

  104. I'm so sorry for you and your family's loss. Heartbreaking.

  105. My deepest condolences to you and your family. I honestly believe that grief is for those left behind (no matter what one believes , *her* troubles are ended)...and I wept tonight for your grief and pain. She wouldn't wish to be the cause of pain for you -- I wish you and your family swift healing (it isn't a betrayal, though it oft seems so at first)... I, too, had planned to rec you the Rainbow Bridge; it helps more than one might think.
    Your blog has brought me much joy over the years and I read you nearly daily: I hope sun returns for you soon.
    I'll shush now; the screen is oddly blurry...

  106. Grumpy, I started blogging because of my dog and today I was going to write something about him. After the holiday weekend, I caught sight of this. I hope your memories are long and your pain is short.

  107. Real guardian angels have furry faces and wagging tails. Sometimes they have big teeth.
    They are a true blessing.


  108. You were so lucky to have 16 years with her. But then, it is never long enough.....

    My sympathies at your loss.

  109. I'm sorry for your loss. RIP Blackdog.

  110. So sorry to hear about Blackdog, Grumpy. 16 years is quite the life, and it's obvious that she had a good one with you. My deepest sympathies.

  111. I'm a little late to comment but I'm so sorry for your loss Dr G. She sounds like a great dog and I hope she's in pet heaven surrounded by her favorite doggy treats.

  112. May the memories of love outweigh the grief of loss. What a precious friend. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Kitty Horde & their Feeders send you this card.

  113. I am so sorry for your loss. Though I have never had my own dog, I used to walk 4 dogs. I didn't even know them a whole year before one of them died and I remember crying for two days.I felt like I had lost a good friend. I can only imagine what you and your family must feel. Hope the memories live on for a long time to come.

  114. Aw, is that a Bluetick? Rest in peace sweetie. The only bad thing about a dog is his lifespan :-( Hopefully you are romping with Buttons and Kimmie in doggie heaven. (and if there is a doggie heaven, that's where I want to go!)

  115. I am so sorry to hear about Blackdog.

    He did his dog job wonderfully, didn't he?
    They just don't last long enough, do they?





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