Monday, May 23, 2011

Another satisfied customer

Mr. Shakes: "This is my last time here. I've decided to find a new neurologist."

Dr. Grumpy: "May I ask why?"

Mr. Shakes: "Because I didn't have Parkinson's Disease before I came here! Then you told me I have it, and now I do, and I don't like having it! It's your fault!"


  1. Should have thought twice before giving him Parkinsons Doc. Most people appreciate it, but you know, no accounting for taste.

  2. That was rotten, giving the man Parkinson's! Is part of a big Pharma? neurologists plan to get patients on their meds?

  3. It never occurred to me that it was my GI doc's fault that I have Crohn's Disease. Now I'm really mad at him! ;-)

  4. family of ill patients will frequently act as if we caused the disease. scary sometimes.

  5. Unbelievable, simply amazing. What kind of quack are you?! Poor man, he likely would not have become symptomatic if you hadn't diagnosed him. You should hang your head and scrap your future plans. LOL what a dummy!

  6. I diagnosed my severe headaches, which started in 1965 when I was 8, all by myself 15 years later as being migraines. No doctor ever bothered to diagnose them, even when the pain sent me to the ER. Now I'm trying hard to think of a way to fire myself. --Vikya

  7. I'm thinking this entry should have gone under the heading of the previous post! ::eye roll::

  8. Did you tell him he was lucky that he got Parkinson's from coming in. If you'd hit him with the magic reflex hammer and said a different spell, he might have had a stroke or epilepsy?

  9. Opens up a whole new world of litigation, doesn't it?

  10. i can blame the nephrologist for being on dialysis?
    hmmmm ... what a novel idea.
    you go to a doc to get a diagnosis ... not avoid it.

  11. Wow, if he didn't have Parkinson's disease before he came to see you, then why did he go to you at all??

  12. You should tell him that he should be happy you didn't give him ALS.

  13. i too need to fire myself since I self dx’ed my neurogenetic disorder before a real neurologist confirmed it. Though, maybe I can still blame him? I did stop seeing him... (though, it was due to graduating and moving after college)

  14. Good gravy. Sometimes you have to laugh.

  15. Awwww... they're so *cute* when they confuse correlation and causality.

  16. That'll teach you to ask why. You rose to bait he was obviously desperate for you to take. In future, just smile and say "Of course, that's your right. Let Mary know the name and address of your new neurologist, and we'll send your case notes right over."

  17. Maybe I should fire my pulmonologist for giving me moderate asthma... XD

  18. I knew it. You are giving your patients MPTP in order to boost your practise.

  19. I'm calling my lawyer. I'm going to sue my doctors for all the diseases and illness that they've given me. I'm going to sue the pharmacists for all the side effects I've ever experienced from the drugs they dispensed.

    I guess you really can't fix stupid.

  20. Does this rule extend to all services? The auto repair guy just diagnosed a radiator problem...oh..and the electrician diagnosed some faulty wiring issues..I bet for that one I could also sue for compensation on my higher electric bill. All these years I kept thinking there must be an easier and cheaper way to take care of all these things..

  21. oy vey. Did he have a stroke, too???

  22. I see so many stages of grief, and the progression is so fast, too! Denial, Anger, and a hint of depression. If he tried to offer you his wife to take back the parkinson's, we'd be one step closer to acceptance.

  23. Is Parkinson's known to be associated with Inductive Logical Reasoning Deficit Syndrome?
    You might be able to get a paper out of this patient!

  24. To make matters worse, I'll bet his Parkinson's actually has gotten worse since he started seeing you too :-P

  25. I also love it when a patient blames a doctor when they have an allergic reaction to a medicine that they prescribed. I can't tell you how many times I have heard "so-and-so's doctor tried to kill them!, so he changed doctors". Yes sir, I prescribed this medication because I somehow KNEW you had a sulfa allergy, despite the fact that you have never really taken any medications before and listed NO KNOWN ALLERGIES on your chart. I am psychic and this was a plot to kill you....I guess patients think that when we look in their ears we are reading the magic label attached to their eardrum that lists their allergies and medical conditions

  26. Haha, then you should have just chased her out of your office screaming, "correlation does not imply causation!" over and over!

  27. phew...I'm so relieved! I'll just switch rheumatologists and my RA will clear up!

    p.s. did you check for FTD? ;-)


So wadda you think?