Monday, April 25, 2011

I'd avoid drugs like broccoli and grapefruit

Mr. Nature: "I don't believe in medicines, so my cardiologist is treating me with supplements."

Dr. Grumpy: "Which ones?"

Mr. Nature: "Coumadin and Lipitor."


  1. Hahahahaha, EXCELLENT...

  2. But I'm sure they are organically produced.

  3. I am so making a note of that for future use. Excellent!

  4. I'd be irritated by that level ofdoctorly arrogance and paternalism, but anyone that dumb (and wilfully uneducated) probrably couldn't make an informed choice about medication anyway.

  5. but Coumadin is ALL NATURAL RAT POISON!!!

  6. Grown on his yard on his own Coumadin and Lipitor trees.

  7. bwahhahahahaaaaa!!!! Awesome. A cardiologist with a side of psychology....

  8. wonder how the doctor explained pt coming in to check his "coumadin supplement" levels...

  9. ::blinks innocently:: But if digitalis is found in foxglove then... ::and falls over in hysterics::

    Just for the record, my med team treat me with a combination of manufactured pharmaceuticals and OTC supplements. Do I tell them everything I take? Do I look like an idiot? ::more laughing::

  10. But are they artisanal?

    Hopalong Ginsberg

  11. Lipitor and coumadin are plant based! ~~~ They are from the 'manufacturing plant'!!!

    OKC, PA

  12. Actually, Warfarin (Coumadin) is naturally occuring. It was discovered at the Wisconsin Agricultural Research Foundation (hence the name WARFarin).

    Cows were acquiring a bleeding diathesis and it was traced to some bad clover they were eating. The drug was purified from that source.

  13. ndenunz, sounds like you may have gone to UW...heard that in almost every single pharmacy class I took there!

  14. Good for him. We had the opposite problem with my grandfather (Multiple heart attacks & strokes, some dementia)--he wouldn't believe aspirin could be useful and thus wouldn't take it. I don't recall the label on the bottle but I know we just filled it with off-the-shelf aspirin.

  15. A bit off topic but my 92-year-old grandfather didn't want to take vitamin B12 shots every month - even though I was able to give them to him at home. His reason? "What good can they be if it only costs $.67?" Hard both not to laugh at and respect his reasoning.

  16. That cardiologist deserves a medal.

  17. I'm going to see if I can find a Plaqunil tree or a Methotrexate bush at Home Depot this weekend and plant them in my yard...I'll start selling my organic meds to our patients and make a little scratch on the side.

  18. Someone buy that cardiologist a drink!

  19. What scares me is this person is actually "out there" driving a car on our highways. Sheesh!


So wadda you think?