Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Afternoon interlude

Dr. Pissy: "Ibee, did you see that article a few months ago about diet soda being linked to stroke?"

Dr. Grumpy: "Yeah, several readers sent it to me."

Dr. Pissy: "What do you think?"

Dr. Grumpy: "It's concerning, but I'd have to see more solid data before I believe it. I mean, we've both seen plenty of research, like Saccharin in the 80's, that said it did something awful that later turned out to be incorrect."

Dr. Pissy: "I agree with you, but... I think I'm going to stop drinking Diet Coke. I've been wanting to give it up anyway. I've got a few cases left, but I'm just going to go cold turkey off it."

Long pause.

Dr. Grumpy: "Then can I have yours?"


  1. Your lucky day...

  2. Queen Silly BritchesApril 5, 2011 at 6:21 PM

    Spoken like a true addict...

  3. Correlation doesn't prove causation. Science reporters who report epidemiological studies often fail to understand that. Drink and enjoy!

  4. All I know is, I wish they were calling it "liquid cigarettes" back in the days before I became hooked myself. Makes me think twice when the kids ask for it, but then it's the old, "Do as I say ..."

  5. lucky you! A 12 pack of diet coke in upstate ny approaches 5 bucks...

  6. So, Dr. Pissy knows about this blog and your little nickname for him?

  7. He did give it to you, right?? If not, let the Teenage Mutant Ninja Kitty Horde know. They're very good at Diet Coke extraction. However you'll have to pay them in Greenies.

    appoutzi - what happens when someone's appetite is not satisfied

  8. I don't smoke, I don't drink alcohol, I don't even drink coffee or tea or snort crack or anything. My only chemical indulgence (and even that is less than once a week) is Diet Coke. I cut way, way down from what my consumption used to be so I'm not giving up what little I allow myself, research be damned.

  9. Out- Oooh shiny! I mean... OutreApril 5, 2011 at 8:56 PM

    I love that there was a pause.

    You know Dr. Pissy was waiting for you to ask. He could just as well offered it to you straight away, but making you ask is funnier.

    I love my diet coke... Had more than my usual share today in desperate attempts to counter act the lack of adderall running through my body. (damned shortage)

    Caffeine didn’t work. My coworkers are ready to chain me to my chair and duck tape my mouth.

  10. I say if you ever accidentally buy regular coke and decide its not healthy enough...I will graciously and humbly take every can/bottle of it off your hands!!

  11. @C - Wow, that' pricey. Where I'm at we get 24 or 30 pack cubes for 5.50-6. Yay for living in the middle of nowhere with a Walmart!

  12. I drink Coke Zero, but I've cut back. No concern on the caffeine or aspartame, but I am concerned about the acid's effects on my teeth and digestive system. Everyone needs a vice or two.

  13. I read online just the other day that Diet Coke is artisanal.

  14. You are completely insatiable Dr Grumpy!!!

  15. whoa "a few cases"??!!!! Jackpot! I'm a Coke/Cherry Coke person myself...I actually think i'm transitioning out of coffee into Coke but it's so delicious and much-needed to get through a day of work.

  16. It seems every week there's a new study that reports something is bad for you. I figure, something's going to kill me one day. It might as well be something I enjoy.

    I would have asked for the DC from him too! :))

  17. Cold turkey on caffeine sure makes for a great headache.

  18. Going out with a Diet Coke in hand is not a bad way to go.

  19. Any bets on how long it takes for him to cave to the caffine headaches?

  20. Dr Pissy the drug dealer: "Sure, now you owe me $20, thank you for your business."

  21. What was the methodology? Anything like the guy who proved money caused cancer by placing various types of money under the skin of mice? ::snicker::

  22. I used to be a chain coker, but found a twelve step program to help me quit. Even after many years the temptation is still there. Don't know what I would do without my support group.

  23. has Dr. Pissy been able to keep it up so far?

  24. ::raises hand:: Is there a way to test and see if Dr. Pissy is secretly sneaking Diet Coke?? ::blinks innocently::

    ingly - how I feel when the tingling is at 2-3 instead of 5-6+

  25. I asked one of our nurses if they could give me a Diet Coke IV to wheel around the clinic with me...they just laughed.

    So, I'll take that as a no..?

  26. But out of "diet" drinkers a large percentage of those folks are diabetics. They're at a higher risk for cardia and CVA's anyway. Has this study taken THAT into consideration? Was the study done on a bunch of 55 obese diabetics w/ CAD or was it on "healthy" folks?


So wadda you think?