Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Tuesday night, 11:37 p.m.

Dr. Grumpy: "This is Dr. Grumpy, returning a page."

Mr. Wokemeup: "Yeah, I was wondering if you got a fax from my pharmacy. They said they sent it about an hour ago."

Dr. Grumpy: "I have no idea. It would be at my office. Are you out of pills?"

Mr. Wokemeup: "No, I'm good for another 3 days. I was just wondering if they faxed it like they said they would."


  1. The doctor and his nurse (office was in his house and his office staff was all related) when I was 5 or 6 was not opposed to answering his phone at any time of day or night, but this kind of question seems like one of your hand-holding ones.

  2. This just has so many layers of wrongness to it. Like why make an "out of curiosity" phone call at that time of night. And then why does he think you would be at your office anyway?

    And what would he say if you were at your office and said "nope, they didn't fax it", would he go to the pharmacy all indignant that "you lied to me!"

    I mean, why make a fuss about a script that isn't even due yet? Oh, sorry, I forgot: You are Dr Grumpy and this is an average patient.

  3. I have a mentally ill client who does things like that, I figure it is part of his illness. I ask him point blank, why do you think I am workind at 7 PM on Sunday night? Or what are normal business hours ? Or didn't we speak about this 2 days ago ? It seems to focus him on reality.

  4. This is why I could not be a doctor because I would have said "nope they didn't fax it". These people make it way too easy to mess with them.

  5. Veterinarian here...

    I think people are up at night and bored. One of the most common calls we get an emergency are people grooming their cat or dog at 2am-- they tried to cut out a mat with scissors and cut a chunk out of the animal instead. What the hell are you doing cutting mats out at 2am?

  6. this is why I tell people at my pharmacy after 5pm has passed that there is a good chance the doctor is out of the office and that even though I am sending the fax right now, the doctor will probably not get it until the next business day... this just shows they don't listen or well think!

  7. This happens every Friday afternoon/evening at the pharmacy, especially with people's hydrocodone and alprazolam and every conversation goes the same way.

    Patient: "How soon can you refill this for me?"

    Tech: "I will have to fax the doctor because it does not have any refills left."

    Patient: "I know. He has to approve it every month."

    Tech: "I will fax now, but their office is closed so it will probably be Monday or Tuesday before we get a response."

    Patient: "Really, but I'm out?"

    You should have called yesterday.

  8. As someone who works both in a pharm and Drs office- I can't tell you how many times I've had the "Your dr did not get back to us yet"/"No we didn't hear from the pharm yet" convo. It's absolutely maddening how "Johnny come lately" people are

  9. Good gravy. Yeah, if you HAD been at the office and they hadn't faxed it, he WOULD have called the pharmacy back. Guaranteed. I'm surprised he waited until 11:37 PM. Somewhere he has decided this process benefits from his micromanagement.

  10. He actually called 3 days in advance???? But why did your answering service let it thru to you???

    vw: trippin

  11. I'm more impressed that you got to bed so early.

  12. Shhesh. I know we only hear about your oddballs...but on a percentage how many of the pages that you return at crazy hours are for legitimate stuff??... Coz you sure seem to have a heck of a lot that are not!! Are these guys prompted by the message service that it really needs to be urgent?

  13. my gosh ... i leave messages at my doctors office at 5:05pm and feel guilty! you must have the whack-a-doodles!

    wv: mudge: needing nudges before midnight

  14. wow, she found out our dirty secret! We have the home fax numbers of ALL the drs! All those lazy docs who wont answer rx requests at midnight...dang them anyway!

  15. Anon Vet 0917- that would be me!!! I am laughing so hard at that! I do my best work between 10pm and 4am.

  16. If you had my cool soft fax, you could check! At home! Immediately!

    (On the other hand, we still do not do refill requests on nights or weekends, soft fax be damned.)


So wadda you think?