Monday, March 14, 2011

Sunday Funday

Dr. Grumpy: "This is Dr. Grumpy, returning a page."

Mrs. Frantic: "Help! You see my mom for Alzheimer's disease, and she's completely out of control. She's walking around the house all day and night, and yelling constantly!"

Dr. Grumpy: "At her visit last week I gave you a script for Calmherdown for this problem."

Mrs. Frantic: "Yeah! It's in the medicine cabinet!"

Dr. Grumpy: "Did it help?"

Mrs. Frantic: "Oh, was I supposed to give it to her? I thought it was for me, to sleep through this!"


  1. Maybe they both need some Calmherdown.

  2. Because you always prescribe meds for people who aren't your patient.


  3. I hope you had some some Calmhimdown in your own medicine cabinet.

    skull fracture to the skull (do to head hitting the table top)! Have you noticed that the gene pool for future generations is getting very deluted! Study shows sperm, for the normal and sane people, are not FAST SWIMMERS!!!

  5. hahahahahahaha.

  6. i think that qualifies for what the kids are calling a "herp derp" moment.

    some people's kids.

    wv: "pyrantin" -- a drug that quells fevers of the loquacious type

  7. Give the daughter a break! I bet it's not easy caring full-time for an aging parent to begin with, add Ahlzeimer's disease and all the other stresses of everyday life and she probably could actually use a script for her own Calmherdown and a good therapist. I hope you cut her a bit of slack, Doc!

  8. ::raises hand:: I know what happened! Child-of-Alzheimer-Patient was so distraught that they couldn't read the name of the person for whom the Calmnerdown was prescribed.

  9. Sounds like my patients at the pharmacy:
    "OK, can I get the birthday?"

    "His or mine?"

    LOL, yours that'll help me fill his script!

  10. I think Ms. Frantic is probably a lot more on the ball when she's not been horribly deprived of sleep. At this point, she should probably look into a care facility for her mother--it sounds like her mother's condition is just too much for any one person to deal with.

  11. I'm with 11:13. Cut the daughter some slack; sleep deprivation is known to cause psychiatric problems.

  12. OMG. Some people are not the sharpest knives in the drawer. But there is a sliding scale of dumbness.....she gets 100% if she told you she took it as a suppository.

  13. You can't fix stupid. "So I could sleep through this?" Not a great idea if you have a person with dementia and agitation in the house. You want the PATIENT to get some sleep, you don't want to sleep through accidental wanderings out the door or falls or turning stoves on etc. I *know* daughter was stressed out but still.

  14. Or perhaps, she had just woken up from a failed attempt to take Calmerdown...

  15. I knew there was a reason we had a caregiver for my grandparents at night after I went home for the day! /sarcasm

    I think it had something to do with my coming in one morning to find the kitchen filled with smoke. That was after I'd written up 'how to use the coffee maker' and 'how to use the toaster' in LARGE letters. ::sigh:: That's when we went to 24/7 caregivers.

  16. I know that sharing prescriptions is a huge no-no but it sounds like she needs some calmherdown drugs as well! I feel bad for her... it's not easy to take care of somebody with a form of dementia.

  17. I think you need to check the daughter's brain as well.

  18. Some of you obviously have never spent any length of time caring for an Alzheimers patient. If you had this wouldn't be so funny, it would be heartbreaking. I get the humor here, but trust me, I have been there. Yes, Dr. Grumpy, in the future, when prescribing for an Alzheimers patient, give something to the caregiver as well. Trust me, they need it.

    Just to say, love your blog and get the humor. This one is just a toughie, considering my husband has an early onset form of dementia.


So wadda you think?