Thursday, March 3, 2011

Wedded bliss

Dr. Grumpy: "Ma'am, have you noticed if you wear one shoe down more than the other?"

Mrs. Marcos: "I'm not sure."

Mr. Marcos: "You can't tell. Doc, you should see her closet. I don't think she's ever worn the same pair twice."


  1. Nothing like a little passive aggression in the ole docs office. :)

  2. LOL!! My husband tries to help but often gets things wrong because he doesn't see me often enough. That or he interrupts me and says, "Oh the doctor doesn't need to hear that."

  3. Love it! That's totally gonna be me in like 30 years when being a doc pays off.
    Why did you ask her if she wore down one side faster, out of curiosity?

  4. Frequently people with gait problems wear out shoes differently, people with gait problems often marry real heels.....

    Gait problemns can be syptomatic of stuff, sometimes neurologist look for stuff. They are nosey like that.

  5. Actually, I just have a shoe fetish.


  6. Does it automatically mean you have a gait problem indicative of an overall problem?

  7. I tend to wear down my right heel more than my left. I think it comes from the fact I lean on my right leg whenever I`m standing still.

  8. Mrs. Marcos.

    Love it!!


So wadda you think?