Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Ibee Idiot, M.D.

I'd finished an appointment yesterday afternoon, and was walking the patient up front.

Mrs. Crotchety: "You seem like a nice doctor, and smart too. I've seen 2 different neurologists before, both times when I was in Local Hospital. They were both incompetent idiots."

Dr. Grumpy: "Thank you. I'll get those records to review, and Mary will help set up this test."

I walked back to my office, and logged into the hospital computer system. The patient had seen neurologists there in 2005 and 2007.

And both times it was me.


  1. Oh dear! Well, I suppose everything feels much nicer as an out-patient! Sure it's not you - it's the environment...or the neuro disorder...or the cataracts.... :)

  2. Awesome. I guess you learned something since then.

  3. Perception is a funny thing...

    I find it very annoying how people will take a few anecdotal experiences and form a broad judgement based on them.

  4. Dr. Grumpy, I didn't know you were a shape-shifter too!

  5. See, dementia can be your friend sometimes!

  6. HAH! Blame it on the drugs and the hospital disorientation, and probably crap eyesight.


  7. Same thing has happened to me a few times, just like when patients ask "are you new here? i like you." when you have spoken to and counselled them for 2 years. I feel sorry for some of the mental health patients we have, they minds are just so screwed up and its no life to live.

  8. Maybe it was really your twin brother, Skippy Grumpy.

  9. hahaha, what did you do to her when she was in hospital?

  10. Profundity for the day:

    No matter what a man's past has been, his future is spotless.

  11. Some patients are just morons. I'm sure you've noticed... ;)

  12. HAHA!!! Did you change your hairstyle?

  13. obviously you have improved since 2007! hahahahah

  14. In 2 years she'll be back again telling you that she's seen 3 neurologists in the past (2 in the hospital and one in his office) and they were all incomptent idiots.

  15. beware any patient who criticizes another physician. really.

  16. I'll bet you forgot your Diet Coke that day, didn't you?

    Or the kids kept you awake at night...ah, gotta love old, demented memories!

  17. Ha Ha, you used that personal fashion assistant of Pissy's that's why she didn't recognize you.

  18. Does that mean you've gotten smarter over the last few years or the job has worn you down so much that you don't even look the same as you did then? I hope it's the smarter one.

  19. Dr. G. I wanted to pass this quote of the day on to you. I thought you would appreciate it. I went to see a "pain management" specialist yesterday who questioned me about what tests I had already had. When I told him that my neurologist had done an EMG his response was, "I do EMGs and I'm really good at them, but they're worthless." Soooo, is he saying that he's really good at doing worthless things or am I missing his point? By the way, I'm not going back. Too much ego, too small a head.

  20. Maybe it's something about Local Hospital?

  21. LMAO!W!! Can't sWtop...HELP!!

    WV= achos (started to laugh again!! Dang it!!)

  22. EMG's are extremely helpful when done by a qualified doctor and for the right reasons.

  23. Hahaha!! I love it...kind of like when people come in and go "what happened to the bitchy girl that used to sit up here? Her name was Kate" while I smile and point at my nametag that says "KATE" in big, block letters.

  24. ah...humility. That's pretty funny.. and sad at the same time.

  25. Next time you see her you should tell her you reviewed her old records and actually her prior neurologists were utterly and completely brilliant.

  26. Love it, lovinmyjob! I say thank God for EMGs.

    As for the anonymous comment about patients who complain about doctors, I don't think the really great doctors will make snap judgments about patients who've had problems with other doctors. I really don't think the neurologist who diagnosed me with atypical (sodium-channel) myotonia congenita has any more respect for the asshole who told me I needed a neuropsych than I do. (BTW, took it and passed it with flying colors just to shut down that line of thought.)

  27. Hahaha! Guess you've improved with age?


So wadda you think?