Sunday, February 6, 2011

Sunday reruns

From February, 2009:

My first consult at the hospital this morning was an elderly gentleman who passed out while watching the Super Bowl yesterday. I quote directly from the note of the admitting internist:

"He was in his usual state of good health when he awoke this morning at around 10. He normally has eggs and toast for breakfast, but this morning decided to skip it and went straight to cocktails. He had 7-8 Manhattans over the course of the day while waiting for the game to start."


  1. Now there's a medical mystery.

  2. Good thing he called a neurologist to consult. It's really puzzling why this guy passed out.

  3. Hey, the easy consults pay the same as the hard ones, and take a lot less time.

    15 years ago I wanted "challenging and interesting". Today I want "easy and pays the bills.".

  4. I'm afraid I missed the dateline at the top the first time I read this--I was trying to figure out whether passing out or hallucinating the yet to be played Superbowl was his biggest concern.

  5. I'm not a medical doctor,, I'll take a stab at it with a diagnosis of "He's shitfaced."

  6. aaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrr, one more cocktail and I think that a visit to the neurologist might be necessary.

  7. This is why people in Hawaii live longer. Some NFL games start while I'm still making pancakes. Or searching for the Angostura bitters, whatever.

  8. Yes, indeed, a great challenge for diagnosis. Why was the consult called? Did someone wonder if the patient also had a balance problem or perhaps a seizure disorder? Bet he did not Feel Well on Monday.

  9. Another great anecdote illustrating much of why American health care is f'd up.

  10. He obviously had a prescient vision of the Halftime show.

  11. Neve skip breakfast it is the most important meal of the day.

  12. He had 7 or 8 Manhattans BEFORE passing out?? I hope he comes with an iron liver...pretty sure if I skipped a meal and pounded more than one Manhattan, I'd be passed out and drooling on the floor before I knew what happened.

  13. The admitting internist must like you a lot.

  14. Even high school kids know enough not to drink on an empty stomach. Did I just say that out loud?

  15. Unchained PharmacistFebruary 7, 2011 at 5:27 PM

    I wonder if the hospital can make the internist pay for your consult...

  16. As a toxicologist, I resent that they called you rather than one of my colleagues...

  17. All of those damned Steelers turnovers made him hyperventilate.


So wadda you think?