Monday, February 21, 2011

Sunday afternoon, 1:28 p.m.

Mrs. Grumpy and I are taking a nap. My home phone rings, waking me up.

Dr. Grumpy: "Hello?."

Mr. Pissmeoff: "Hi, um, Dr. Grumpy. You don't know me, but my kids also go to Wingnut Elementary, and I got your phone number out of the school directory."

Dr. Grumpy: "Uh-huh..."

Mr. Pissmeoff: "My wife has MS, and is in Local Hospital. She sees Dr. Darth, across the street from you."

Dr. Grumpy: "I don't cover for Dr. Darth, sir. You'll have to call his office."

Mr. Pissmeoff: "I know you don't. But she wants to go home, and he hasn't been in to see her yet today. Can you please come in and discharge her instead?"


  1. That is pretty ballsy of him, but I understand his pain. My mom was in the hospital for 2 weeks before the doctors decided she had had a stroke. Every day we would go in to be told: we will know more when the doctor comes to see her. So our family would wait by her bedside and wait and wait and wait...some days the doctor never came. It was truly frustrating.

  2. Maybe Dr. Darth was taking a nap too!

  3. ::wince:: And people wonder why doctors & teachers get unlisted phone numbers.

  4. Get a wheel chair and push her out the door. My wife was in the hospital and she had not been seen for 8 hours, I got her up and got her out. We walked out the door of the hospital a midnight. The security guy gave us a strange look, but that was all we needed.

    More people need to start looking to their own judgment.

  5. Who made the hospital your slave master, if you have not been attended to within a reasonable time get up and get dressed and go.

    People do it in restaurants, why not in a hospital, when they find you are gone and haven't signed for the bill they start to get wired.

  6. Even if you wanted to you can't, can you?

  7. @anon 11:33 AM - Bet you showed them!

  8. Did you tell them what school Dr. Darth's kids go to so they can find his home phone number?

  9. Jules, can't say that we did or didn't, but what I do know is that the hospital formerly known as The General is no longer known by that name, for the The General closed.

  10. What would have made him think that you even had the ability to do that? Strange.

  11. I'm amazed you manage to nap with three school age kids. Do you send them away for the day?

  12. By nap, he probably meant he was pulling monitor duty with one eye open.

  13. My small baby had viral pneumonitis and was admitted for "observation". Nobody looked at him for 8 hours. At that point I announced that I was taking him home since "If he's going to die of neglect he might as well do it at home". Man, THAT got them moving! Oximeter on his finger, Consultant summoned to reason with the M-squared (Mad Momma) and diligent observation through the night. He was well and healthy next morning but the Consultant was still cautious with me and the junior doctors were frankly terrified of me.

  14. What do you say to these things? I'm a med student and I'm curious as to how you handle all of these strange patient experiences. I imagine you're a bit more patient than myself Good sweet gravy...

  15. I wouldn't have believed this if it weren't for the last two months. Now I'm very gullible if the issue is patient stupidity.

  16. I once had a lady call me at home in tears because her husband was being discharged from the hospital by the attending. His regular doctor was on vacation. His regular doctor is my father. Would I please call him?? I felt bad for the lady, but seriously? Just becuase my name is in the phone book?

  17. It's probably a case where the patient has no clue how the chain of command works within the medical field. Most of us don't know that all doctors aren't in the same club, and that hospitals aren't set up to make things simple.

  18. with the huge scandal here (houston texas) of one of the major hospitals sending out bills of up to $600 for ER people who signed in and LEFT because they'd sat for hours and seen no one? i dont blame the patient for wanting to go home.

    ive been fortunate. the 4 times i've been admitted in the last 2 years, i saw at least 2 doctors each day.

  19. Just say "I'll be right there," take the phone off the hook, and go back to sleep.


So wadda you think?