Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Half-assed surgery

We at Grumpy Neurology, Inc., think your butt looks fine as it is.

But if you insist on having a new rump installed, we recommend that you seek a trained medical professional.

While a Hampton Inn is a perfectly nice place, with free WiFi and a continental breakfast, they are generally NOT known for their in-room surgical capabilities.

Like this lady found out.

Thank you, Erin!


  1. That was just on the news!

  2. I hate hearing stories like this. It scares the crap out of me that people are actually getting a procedure done in a hotel room?? It is unfathomable.

  3. The ass is always greener on the other side of the pond.

  4. Interesting. If someone coughs up the money to bring the body back to England, there will have to be an Inquest here. i don't think "evolution in action" is a verdict open to the Coroner....

  5. Hey, not everyone can afford more conventional options. Or common sense.

  6. That's so crazy- who could possibly make that up!! And how utterly dumb is it to fly all the way from England to get surgery from a hotel room?? Sounds like a Darwin Award winner to me.

  7. Why would someone go to all that try trouble to make their butt bigger? You can do that much more easily by going to a buffet.

  8. Google "silicone pumping parties". They've been around since the 70's, but the clientele has changed a bit.

  9. I recently stayed at a Hampton Inn, and they have a money back guarantee if not completely satisfied. Just saying.

    Medical procedures by amatuers really give me the willies. And they are happening all the time.

  10. While I agree that going to a motel to get your butt embiggened is not the brightest thing in the world, I'm completely baffled as to why they took the dead lady to the hospital. It's not like Philidelphia hospitals are known for their ability to zombify folks.

    And, I'm pretty sure that the NHS in (f)GB would not authorize any procedures planned for a dead person. Most likely Anathema BC/BS, inHumana or any of the others would also not OK any requests for money.

    stay safe.

    WV= thingam. I'll let you ponder what could be done with a thingam like that.

  11. Does that mean I should cancel the nose job I had booked at the Days Inn Downtown?

  12. If you have enough money, you can afford to pay for really bad medical care. Was Dr. Conrad Murray on the case?


So wadda you think?