Wednesday, January 19, 2011

"You mean we're smokin' dogshit, man?"

(If you recognize the title, it says more about me than I want to admit)

Okay, if you're a cocaine fiend, I know you're not particularly discriminating in what's going up your nose. I mean, you have to make sure it's not talcum powder or drain opener, but I don't think you're going to care if there's a little salt or flour or whatever.

On the other hand, breaking into a house and stealing just ANY powder to snort isn't a good idea.

As these guys found out.

Thank you, Carol!


  1. Maroons.

    Cremains look nothing like cocaine, which makes me wonder what kind of grade Z cocaine they've been getting.


  2. Up your nose wit' some cremated toes.

  3. From the same film:

    "It's turning blue -- could be Peruvian Flake!"

  4. Oh, yeah ~ I recognize the title!!! Brings back some hellacious memories ~ I think...
    As for snorting cremains ~

  5. That. is. disgusting.

  6. After following the link, my evening coffee was coming OUT of my nose (even without creamer powder) ;-)

    That was hilarious; thank you!

  7. Good grief , substance abuse is a real problem in this country, can't any of you be serious.

    Then I saw the guys picture, that guy would and no doubt has been snorting anything and everything.

    Man where do you get this stuff.

  8. You are welcome. Courtesy of the swearing Mommy message board,

  9. those poor people to think that their relative has been snorted by some idiots.

  10. The exceptional specimen of young adulthood pictured with the article appears to be very stoned. Perhaps, though, he's just trying to appear tough in the mugshot while the cops are laughing their asses off.
    What a herd of tools!

  11. It was mostly Maui Waui, with some Labrador in it ...

  12. I once saw on t.v. that cocaine
    is cut ... alot.. with fermaldahide(?). Is this true? I remember
    thinking OMG how are they still
    alive and how desperate! What people will do.

  13. Well, now they have the spirit of the man and the dogs inside them. They're gonna need Chef's parents to get the spirits out. Don't forget the victim dogs, and don't let them tell you stories about the Loch Ness Monster.

    Three fiddy!

  14. @donna, you never know what your illicit drugs may be mixed with. A great argument to never ever use them-not many drug users really care though.

  15. True story - My stepfather took me to see that movie a kabillion years ago when I was in high school. Oddly enough the theater that we saw it at burnt to the ground last year. That was the only movie I ever saw at that particular theater. Weird huh?

  16. Based on the mug shot it must have been some "good dog shit, man".

  17. no wonder they're so stupid, with names like Waldo and Matrix... hahaha

  18. S'cuse me commenting on such an old post, but as far as I see it...

    ...there are a number of people out there who will try ANYTHING if they think it'll get them high. And not all of 'em are already addicted to anything or hardcore drug users. Smoke scrapings of banana peels? Snort funeral ashes? (In the late 90s there was a rash of urn thefts when a rumor went around that this, specifically, got you high). Drinking a lava lamp? Yup, that too had a rumor that it got you high.


So wadda you think?