Thursday, January 13, 2011

Role Reversal

Today a lady in her early 70's came in, accompanied by her daughter. Since she was here for foot numbness, I had her take off her shoes. She had a small tattoo on the right foot.

Daughter: "Mom! When did you get a tattoo?"

Mother: "Well, I, a few months ago, I..."

Daughter: "Mom, how could you?!!! You know what I think of..."

Mother: "Lisa! I'm an adult! I can do what I want!"


  1. Chuckle...mothers and daughters...


  2. Heh, like the time I caught my mom smoking while she was sitting around the campfire drinking beer with her friends...

    She was so busted.

  3. ::snicker:: My daughter (soon to be 18) won't let me cuss around her! Even accidentally!

    tally - what she does with the "language rule"

  4. ahahaha! LOVE IT!!! Why not get a tattoo when you're 70! That way it still looks good even though you're old and wrinkled!!!!


  5. Wife hates them, so at large family gathering she goes off on them--I mean really off--real loud. Well, brother in law, 2 sisters in law, daughter of sister in law, three neices all have them. Tramp stamps, back peices, arm and shoulder,birds on boobs, butterflies on butts, one wraps from fingers to shoulder. Wife later told me she wondered why it suddenly got real quiet as she ranted on and on.
    I told her that her audience was being well entertained.

  6. My 40th birthday is in a few weeks and I thought that I just might dye my hair a nice shade of plum and get a small tattoo. My mother, age 66, said that if I get a tattoo she's getting one!

  7. I got one at 48 (upper arm, a phoenix) and love it!

  8. Kim I am a bit older than you (barely) but what designs are you thinking about? I noticed my dads "tat" several years ago and thought it was cool. He told me if I wanted one that under NO circumstances am to go without him that he wants to be the one to "buy me my first one!" But because of many severe health issues I need to get doctor's permission (I promised my aunt; my dad's sister). So, I am in the planning stage. LOL!

  9. My mom used to hide her smoking from me... except she would still have it lit and the smoke would rise behind her head.

  10. My mother got a butterfly tattoo when she was 65. When my daughter asked me if she could get a tattoo, I said, "You can get one when you're 65, like Grandma did."

    So far, no tattoo!

  11. LOL, at least it wasn't a tramp stamp on a 70 year old lady....

  12. Am I the only one that picked up on the role reversal with these two? Was daughter not acting like "mom" and was mom not reacting like the daughter? Did anyone else catch that?

    And then... what in the heck is it with people and tattoos? I'm with the guy's wife who went off at the family gathering. What is the bleeping attraction with getting a frikin tattoo????????

  13. Kids SO don't think their parents ever had a life.

  14. There was a "most wanted" picture of some desperado in the local paper. Shouldn't be hard to find a guy with a tribal tat on his face which resembles a flame job on a hot rod.

  15. I was thinking about either a palm tree or...a cheeseburger and milkshake! Yeah, so I'm weird. ;)

    Anonymous number 5...the title of this post is Role Reversal, so yeah, I think someone else picked up on it. :)

    The only problem I have with tattoos are they have become a bit too mainstream.

  16. I think we all caught the role reversal in the scenario. But I know that happens all the time. My dad, at 63, with many medical issues yet still works 12+ hours per day, calls me when he has a problem with certain things. He had a pharmacy issue today and called me to handle it. After an hour on the phone with the insurance company it turned out to be a pharmacy error. I called the pharmacy back, explained what I found out, and sure enough, their fault. The RPH told me right away they were 100% in the wrong and that they didn't do what they were supposed to on 1/1/11 and that is why we had a problem today. Because of our trouble my dad did receive a $25 GC when he came back the 2nd time for his script. Kudos to any RPH that takes full responsibility for their mistake and does his/her best to make the customer happy (I still won't fill my own scripts there or another big box {the one that is on every corner}). Thanks for all the laughs of late Dr. Grumpy; they seem to always come at just the right time. Anyone know of any GI or IM Doc Blogs like this one?

    PS. Sorry this got so off track.

  17. Hm,...Tattoos. Well I think this will be replacing Bingo in the Nursing Homes. The residents will sit around and try to guess what the tattoo looked like before it was all stretched and faded beyond recognition.

  18. There's a story floating around on the interwebs of a grandma that got her first tattoo at 99. Go on with your bad self, grammy.

    A good 90% of my friends have tattoos, most of them multiple (I have two) and we've commented that when we all start going into nursing homes, it's going to be super fun. We can sit around and try to guess what we actually had tattooed on there. It'd be like pictionary. "Is it a sun? How about a sailboat? Maybe a zodiac sign? C'mon. Give me a hint."

  19. @Middle Child - Whoops, didn't see your comment. But yeah, my friend with the arms full of tats is going to be super fun in the nursing home. And she's a chick. Heh.

  20. Good for her! When i'm that age I hope to be as adventurous as her and not feel the restrictions of the social mores I grew up with. I'm 30 now, so what social mores would I have to break to shock my children?

  21. I think I like Mom!!!! She sounds like fun. I hope her foot numbness isn't anything serious...

  22. My husband's late ex-mother-in-law kept saying she wanted to tattoo "Call me Peggy" on the bottom of her foot. She donated her body to science and she'd heard that medical students named their cadavers. She wanted to make sure that they called her by the appropriate name.

  23. That's hysterical, Kats!!!

    I say "Go, Mom!!!"

  24. As a nurse who has worked with elders most of her life, I am not kidding when I say I am going to get a tattoo that says "NO CODE" and one that says "NO TUBE" on my belly, when I decide I am old enough to put those instructions in force!
    Maybe I'll get something pretty too, just to make it more fun.

  25. Was the foot numbness in any way related to the tat? From what I hear getting one on the foot is pretty painful, maybe the numbness preceeded the tat and, in fact, facilitatd the procedure.HMMMMM...I have shoulder numbness from thoracic outlet syndrom, maybe its time to consider a tat?


So wadda you think?