Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Mary's desk, January 11, 2011

Mary: "Dr. Grumpy's office, this is Mary."

Mr. Timepiece: "Hi! This is Mr. Timepiece! It's 10:55, my appointment is at 11:00, and I'm running late!"

Mary: "Um, actually, sir, your appointment is at 3:00 today."


Mr. Timepiece: "Then I'm running early! Never mind!"



  1. This sounds like the White Rabbit...I wonder if you stroked his whikers while he's having a stroke if that would help?


  2. Grumpy, it seems like you need a staff person just to deal with your chronologically challenged patients!

  3. I will laugh if you finish the story that the patient was still late for his appointment!

  4. I assume that like most Docs, you or your staff give cards with the appointment date and time to patients after they make an appointment...

    Wonder what becomes of those cards after your patients leave the office?

  5. The Evil ReceptionistJanuary 11, 2011 at 6:27 PM

    I think Mary needs a raise.

  6. hey, i've had days like that ....

  7. The patient is happy, right? Isn't that what really matters? :)

  8. Ok, I GOT an appointment card and once they entered an entirely different time in their computer. Card said 2pm. I show up at 1:45pm and am told I missed my 10am appointment. I pull out my card from my dayplanner (heaven only knows why I still had it... karma?) to show them and they still say I'm wrong. Der..... lol. My doctor was not amused with her staff but agreed I hadn't messed up. lol.

  9. Just got this call today, not making this up:

    Me: this is so and so can I help you?
    Patient: Is this lost and found?
    Me: Yes it is.
    Patient: Do you have any false teeth in there?
    Me: *silence on phone*
    Patient: I think I may have lost my teeth in the parking lot. I was wondering if anyone found it.
    Me: Uh, hold on a minute *patient on hold* No sir, there are no false teeth in lost and found.
    Patient: Oh can I give you my number? In case anyone finds some teeth, can you give me a call, it could be mine.
    Me: Yes sir, have a good day


So wadda you think?