Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Great office moments

Dr. Pissy: "You going to pick up your kids?"

Dr. Grumpy: "Yeah, I have to stop at the deli first."

Dr. Pissy: "Why?"

Dr. Grumpy: "It's the first night of Hanukkah, I need to pick up potato pancakes for dinner."

Dr. Pissy: "That sounds good. You bringing any in tomorrow for us?"

Dr. Grumpy: "No."

Dr. Pissy: "That's not very christian of you."


  1. Wow ...

    And the bad thing is, that could have gone bad in a HURRY ...

  2. Yeah, been there, got the Tshirt... (but not yours. Yet. Maybe. Who knows?)

  3. After 12 years together, not much can get Pissy and I too angry at each other.

  4. I think I like the 2 minutes of laughs I glean from your blog everyday.

  5. Last week, I asked my husband if we could get a Christmas tree this year. He said we can't because we're Jewish. So I asked if we could get a menorah. He said we can't b/c we're nonobservant Jews. Seriously, I'm not allowed to have any fun at all.

  6. Potato pancakes are totally delicious!!

  7. fizzy- if you were really jewish , you would simply inform your husband of your plans. and how about opening your blog to the hoipalloi?

  8. Haha, that's a good one, thanks for the laugh :) My dad will appreciate that one.

  9. Fizzy, your first mistake was "asking your husband." You TELL HIM what your plans are for the holiday, and how he can HELP YOU celebrate it.

  10. Fizzy, even if you're not Jewish, simply tell your husband what YOUR plans are, and how he can HELP YOU. Have a great holiday!

    Whaddaya mean, you're "not allowed". Sheesh!

  11. "But I'll bring in all my Yom Kippur leftovers."

  12. Oh yum. I love potato pancakes! Never had them until I had a Jewish roommate in college. Happy Hanukkah!

    Oh and that was a pretty funny comment by Pissy(assuming he was trying to be funny.)

  13. lol. Hope you enjoyed your potato cakes.

  14. Yet despite this lack of perception, Dr. Pissy managed to graduate from medical school?!

  15. I have a friend who is inordinately proud of a miniature Hanukkah bush that plugs into a USB port and lights up.
    He is among the more normal ones...

  16. Dr Grumpy,

    Chag Chanuka Sameach!

    That's okay. This time of the year makes everyone weird. I got lectured on why I DIDN'T have a Chanukah bush, and how "everyone has one."

    Main reason, no one in our home is Christian, and my Israeli friends would laugh their asses off.

    Anyway, are you chasing the Latkes with Diet Pepsi.

    Also, sour cream or apple sauce?


  17. I didn't know you were Jewish! Our paper had Hannukah (sp) recipes in it and one was for Latkas potato pancakes..a personal favorite of mine...but I never make them well they alwasy come out mushy instead of crunchy...perhaps they know I am a Christian! LOL I am not giving up!

  18. I'm sure he said that as a joke.

  19. Of course.

    In another life we would have been a vaudeville team.

  20. jesus dr. pissy is clueless!

  21. Good one! Thanks for putting a smile on my face.

  22. LOL @ Dr Pissy and Happy Hanukkah to the whole Grumpy Family :)

  23. A Jewish doctor? How original :P

    My Chanukah celebrations consisted of leftover chicken curry and a half-assed attempt to light the menorah in my apartment before realizing:
    1) I don't have a lighter
    2) The stove does not function well as one.

    Happy Holidays to you and yours.

  24. All holidays involving food are sacred in the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

  25. Okay, assuming he wasn't being funny, if Dr. Pissy didn't realize the obvious, WHY should you have had to bring ANY dinner to share with the office? Does HE ever pick up extra dinner for YOU? Hmph!

    wv: chrott (just sounds funny - like a curse word to describe Pissy's comment)

  26. Reply should have been: 'But you know I'm Jewish, and our type are well for not spending money unless we need to, so no potato pancakes for you'.

    Sounds like you and Dr Pissy get on really well, and also sounds like you both ended up quite fortunate to find another consultant who isn't bat-shit insane themselves, as most seem to be.

    Dr P needs a blog himself. I imagine there'd be a lot of overlap between blogs, but still, needs to be done.

  27. How can you stand to work across the *aisle* from this guy?

  28. Of course he was joking. He set me up for that. He'd likely been waiting all week to use the line.

    He and I can drive drug reps nuts with our give & take of this sort.

  29. Tell Pissy he's supposed to give you all his drug rep schwag for Hanukkah, since it lasts a week longer than Christmas.

    BTW my old German, down-on-the-farm great-granny made some wonderful potato pancakes and she was not Jewish.

    Good food knows no religion. I have a very international stomach.

  30. "After 12 years together, not much can get Pissy and I too angry at each other:"

    LOL you sound like an old married couple!!


  31. My grandmother's mandelbrot was very popular in the Air Force barracks...

    Someone asked me what it was... I called it "Jewish biscotti"...

  32. That's great :-)

    Another latke fan here, but I never thought to buy them at a deli -- I've always fried them up myself.

    I'm a Christian, but I celebrate all the Jewish holidays. As far as I know, there was never any kind of edict stating that we should stop. My suburban American friends think I'm a little weird. Well, I can't fully disagree with that.

  33. I can totally picture Dr. Pissy fighting to keep a straight face while saying that, lol.

    I'm thinking he needs a blog to go on with yours so we can get a view of your office from another perspective.

    Happy Holidays!


  34. I'm an atheist so I can enjoy everyone's holidays guilt free! I love all the great foods!

  35. What Jon said. I'm an atheist but I celebrate the Pagan holidays (including Yule, Ostara and Samhain, the original Christmas, Easter and Halloween) because there are so many of them.

  36. Store-made latkes? I thought those were required to be fried at home, so that the frying odor permeated one's clothes for eight days.

  37. Does Dr. Pissy know about or read your blog?

  38. My grandmother always made potato pancakes, even though we aren't Jewish. The trick to making them not mushy is to take the grated potatoes, dump them in a tea towel and wring the heck out of it. This was usually a two person job, to get them dry enough to start the rest of the mixing. :) I like mine with grated onion in them, so i usually grate both, and wring the potatoes first, onions second but in the same towel.

  39. Nu, there is no such thing as a leftover Latke!! (especially if I am in the area and have sour cream... blame my dad who introduced me to them when he & my mom were dating)

    To you & the rest of the Grumpys and everyone else who celebrates the Festival of Lights.

    ignore the price, it was all I could afford at the last minute (and it's the easiest way to send the graphic!). ::wink::

  40. I got lectured on why I DIDN'T have a Chanukah bush, and how "everyone has one."

    Main reason, no one in our home is Christian, and my Israeli friends would laugh their asses off.

    Well, there's about as much logical unity between Christianity and Christmas Trees as there is between Judaism and Chanukah bushes, so not being Christian is no excuse. Not wanting to take up peculiar and rather costly and time-consuming customs just because everybody does it is, though.

    I am an atheist and I enjoy hanging a collection of sparkly crap off a tree in my living room every year. But I don't buy a tree, it's the ornamental fig tree that lives in my living room anyway.


So wadda you think?