Monday, December 13, 2010

Today's featured gift

Do you have neck problems? Do you need more support under your head? Are you looking for a way to strangle yourself, but don't know how to tie a noose?

Well, look no further!

Here we have a gadget that you simply strap around your neck and gradually pump up until it reaches the level of asphyxiation and/or comfort desired.

We at Grumpy Neurology, Inc. DO NOT recommend that you have another person inflate this for you. Especially if they are your ex-spouse, or someone who will benefit from your life insurance policy.


  1. Wow! If I had something like this, I might still be alive!

  2. It looks like it could be used as a cervical collar.

  3. LOL@ David Carradine

    That scares me...bad...but I do know someone who I could get it for...perhaps the ex-fiance??? haha...just kidding

  4. Reminds me of those neck rings that some African and Asian tribes wear.

    Except, you know, much creepier.

  5. This is the perfect gift for my MIL!

  6. I'll probably be lynched for saying it, but I kinda want one... I mean, what better way to show you're too lazy to hold your own head up!

  7. Or, if you're outta breath, try this....

    ...but lock the door first !!!

  8. How does one "place it around the neck?" Do you have to pull it apart first? Looks like it could take forever to put the durn thing on!

  9. it looks like the claw of an alien around her neck.
    urgh. if anything, i would want to hide from that.

  10. Why bother buying it? How about just wrapping a Boa Constrictor around your neck?

    Who are the idiots that come up with these "ideas?"

  11. I have often thought that holding my head up just required way too much energy. If only there were a device to do it for me!

    And now there is. I feel better already.

  12. I remember the infomercial for this!

  13. They should market it to the BDSM community. They'd probably sell a lot more of them.

  14. I'm just...baffled by this...THING. Seriously, is there any actual legitimate reason for someone to get one? It's saying that it will gently stretch your neck, but can't you stretch your neck by, you know, stretching it?

    And that...other thing...on Amazon. If I need to be put in traction, I'm going to have a medical professional do it, thanks.

  15. My granddad is a retired psychiatrist. He cracked his neck playing football in high school and has intermittent pain. He has a traction set-up rigged above his recliner and puts himself in traction while he watches t.v. when it bothers him.

  16. Wait, isn't this for herniated cervical discs? I thought it was a traction device to relieve pressure on the disc.

    But, yeah, wouldn't let someone else operate the squeezy.

  17. My safe word is Rumplestiltskin, thank you.

  18. seriously, y'all don't think this is a brilliant idea for air travel, or anywhere else you might want to nap sitting up?

  19. Could be good for napping at one's desk at if I could only figure out how to fake open eyes...

  20. I'm totally getting this! I need it something terrible.

  21. I went to a chiropractor who used something similar (but it cost like $500). Actually felt pretty good unless the gal inflated it too much--then it felt like my ears were going to tear off. It was definitely better than the traction dealio the physical therapist used. 'course he set it up wrong and left the room so I could strangle in private. I had to kick over the cart with the ultrasound machine on it to get his attention.

  22. @Dave: my thought exactly

    @anon 1am: safe words are for pussies ;) (and also not so effective when being strangled, the more prudent choice would be a hand signal, etc as a safe 'word'

    play hard, play safe, have fun..all courtesy of Dr. Grumpy

  23. OMG! I was planning to start my comment saying: "I'm totally to hell for this but David Carradine"... and someone beat me to it...

    So wrong, but it was the first thing that came to my mind.

    Btw, if you really want extra head support wouldn't be cheaper just to use one of those c-collars??*you can actually adjust them to your neck length* or even those padded things they sell at the stores? In my EMT class we tried them on each other and felt pretty comfortable...


So wadda you think?