Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Mary's Desk, November 16, 2010

(guy walks in, stands at counter)

Mary: "Hi, can I help you?"

Mr. Gregorian: "I have an appointment today with Dr. Grumpy."

Mary: "Sure... Wait. Sir, your appointment was last Monday. You missed it."

Mr. Gregorian: "No, it would be this Monday, because we went on daylight savings time this month."


  1. So this guy got an extra week in bed? Puts my hour into insignificance!

  2. Annie's right...there IS a reason these people see a neurologist.

    My sister tells her grandkids when special occasions are based on the number of nights they will sleep before then (e.g., "there are 5 night nights until your birthday). Just a thought for this guy's next reminder call.

  3. Weeklight savings!

    Could use that right now...

  4. okay, now you need to tell us the drug rep's story so we can determine who's crazier yesterday, the patient or drug rep.

  5. there are a lot of "special folk" in your life isn't there

  6. yea yea, but are we talking Pacific time, or UTC's?

    I think he's Zulu...

  7. Squeeze that boy in and send him on his way. Reminds me of when I was a freshman in college--Name of same--Northern Midwestern State U.,Midwestern State had named all State Univ with compass points. So I get to the desk after waiting in line for hours, guy in front say to registrar--What do you mean this isn't Eastern Midwestern State, there's been a terrible mistake and turns and walks away.

    Good thing they were only 500 miles apart.

  8. You do know that there is a full moon on Sunday right? I work at a mental health practice and the patients are even crazier than normal.

  9. full moon crazy is a real phenomenon. both in the office and the er.

  10. So don't keep us in suspense...did you or didn't you diagnose him with dementia?

  11. No dementia. Just a lack of personal responsibility, and an inability to admit he made a mistake.

  12. "Just a lack of personal responsibility, and an inability to admit he made a mistake." Are there any pharmaceuticals for that? Because if there are, I know a few people who should be on them...

  13. Boy, I wish I could adopt this guy's calendar. I could use an extra week here or there for sure!


So wadda you think?