Wednesday, November 10, 2010

"I got better"

Dr. Grumpy: "Are you allergic to any medications?"

Mr. Tia: "Plavix. I almost died when I took it."

Dr. Grumpy: "What are you taking now?"

Mr. Tia: "Plavix."

Dr. Grumpy: "You just said you almost died from it?!!!"

Mr. Tia: "I got used to it."


  1. And what form did this allergy take? Did he temporarily turn into a newt by any chance?

  2. Maybe snails came out of her mouth...

  3. nah, she didn't get used to it, she just died and reincarnated :p

  4. Made me giggle and wonder how you didn't slap her silly............

  5. That which does not kill us makes us stronger...
    So said Nietzsche

  6. @ Elmo: My thoughts exactly.

  7. pharmaceutical sales rep who is very, um, outgoing and has no sense of personal space"

    do you reps look like this?

  8. Side effect of Plavix if it doesn't kill you it will only make you stupid.

  9. anticoagulants are f'n dangerous. our trauma committee talks about this nearly every month, because the majority of our mortalities seem to be in older anticoagulated patients with relatively minor/moderate injuries. in spite of protocols in place to rapidly identify and reverse them. eff'n plavix- aeeeee.

  10. Quite right Anonymous 4:14 PM

    "anticoagulants are f'n dangerous. our trauma committee talks about this nearly every month, because the majority of our mortalities seem to be in older anticoagulated patients "

    My Dad was on Warfarin. He needed surgery to remove some squamous cell cancer from his temple, so he was taken off the Coumadin. Since he had NOT been told to resume taking his anticoagulant, he did not.

    The day before the stitches were to be removed he suffered a stroke. Four days later he was dead, because the hospital would NOT do anything for him. A foley and IV fluids, but not enough to keep him from dehydrating, was ALL that they did.

    The surgery was a sucess, but the patient died anyway!

  11. Perhaps Mr Tia enjoys those near-death experiences ... it's one way of getting out of your head, I suppose

  12. [We were seniors in high school at the time]
    Katie: Wasn't there that one reporter that died in Iraq?
    Friend: Yeah, but he got better.
    Katie: How do you get better from death?!

  13. I call it language escalation -like those idiots who claim to be "allergic" to anything they don't like, or gives them gas, etc.

  14. The 'allergies' that drive me crazy (I work in a pharmacy): "I'm allergic to Vicodin/ibuprofen/narcotics, etc. They make my tummy hurt." Really. So are you allergic to, say, burritos as well? Cuz those can make my tummy hurt. Are you allergic to eating too fast? A tummyache is not an allergy!

  15. Did it turn him into a newt?


So wadda you think?