Saturday, November 27, 2010

Dear Family Fun magazine,

Earlier this week Mrs. Grumpy was reading your November issue for Thanksgiving ideas.

As she looked through the pages she came across your instructions for the "Tossing Turkey" game, and how to make the toy drumstick.

The reason she brought it to my attention was that the diagram in the upper right corner seemed, uh, somewhat X-rated.

(click to enlarge)


  1. Wonder what they'd do with the breast?

  2. "Your kid will want to play with it all day long."

  3. Whoever designed this did not care to show the entire picture, in the interest of aesthetics... or something. They seem to forget the big picture sometimes... I've had many angry moments of 'no, you can't crop that out, that's still part of the brain' *burst a berry aneurysm*

    At least when the graphic designer I worked with crop out a part of anatomical illustration in the interest of making their work pretty it didn't make the layout x-rated. Except, of course, when it's about a ED drug...

  4. If you have enough energy to play toss the fake turkey leg, you didn't get enough tryptophan from the real one.

  5. I'll bet the graphics guy was thinking:.."hmmm wonder if I can get away with this..."

  6. I don't see the big deal either Mother. Must be a guy thing...


So wadda you think?