Friday, October 15, 2010

Oooh, tell me more

Dr. Grumpy: "It looks like you have carpal tunnel syndrome. Do you do computer work?"

Miss Perky: "Yes. I work for a mens' club, handling their software, and sometimes their hardware, too".


  1. Wouldn't that cause more of a tennis elbow?

  2. OK, Dr. Grumpy and ERP, thank you both for that - I just about sprayed coffee all over my computer screen! Too funny!

  3. I know you're just being a goofball, Doc, but this kinda stuff is exactly why women have a hard time being taken seriously in the computing [and other technical] field.

    If a guy had said that would you have made the same post?

  4. That's a good point, Moose. I am being silly, but have to admit you are right.

  5. I think she should file a Worker's Compensation Claim. So you will at least get paid.

  6. Workman's comp... my mom (a physio) once treated a patient who was injured at work. She worked as a stripper, so the Occupational therapist had to do a workplace assessment in order to determine what level of function the woman would require to return to work. Picture a petite, slightly chubby middle aged woman sitting in a night club taking notes.

  7. Just watch out for those viruses.

  8. Well if its a SENIOR mens club, I'll be she has her hands full with the SOFT WARE! LOLOL
    (I just kill myself sometimes)

  9. As a female techie, I should probably be offended, but all I can think of is feeding this line to Jon Stewart and letting him run with it .... I think he'd go somewhere with "download" and that barely suppressed smirk.

    And anyway, you're exonerated, because she handed that one to you, on a platter, fair and square.

  10. Come on people, get your mind out of the tunnel.

  11. Bwahahahahahaaaaaaaaaahahhahaaaaaa!!!

    Indeed... handed to you on a silver platter.

  12. I think it would have been funnier if it had been a male patient :)

    WV: milike...and you're right, Me liked this post :)

  13. I agree with GunDiva... it would have been much funnier if it had been Mister Perky! ::snicker::

  14. Yeah, you handle the software, it eventually *becomes* hardware!

  15. Perhaps I am reading it incorrectly, but Dr. Grumpy's question was perfectly reasonable. Miss Perky gave out with the (apparent)flip answer. She could have been implying that she handled the software, ie. the membership rolls, as well as putting away the weights(hardware). The headline is the main gag, for me at least.
    Perhaps I am being too literal today after a long session of proofreading a long document telling in great detail how to put each section of a large assembly together, with only minor deviations between each section.
    Six pages of fine text per section, lots of sections, and I begin to think that I have carpal tunnel in my eyes...

  16. Female former techie here who is oddly grateful that she didn't mention firmware...

  17. Willing to post a minor bet that the poor woman had no idea that what she was saying was, um, suggestive. And that she'd be mortified if she knew.

    But that might be selling her short.

  18. If it had been a man that would have left the door wide open for me, bwahahahahaha!!!!


So wadda you think?