Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I prefer to check the old fashioned way, thank you

Yesterday Local Radiology Place brought lunch. I wanted to hear about their new MRI, but the sales rep was determined to give Dr. Pissy and I her complete sales pitch about everything. Of course, that covers a lot, so she was talking incredibly fast. At one point she threw out this line:

"Doctors, our new digital mammogram system is extremely accurate at determining the presence or absence of breasts, and is faster than previous methods of doing so."


  1. I bet it's not faster than my teenage boys with a Victoria's Secret catalog.

  2. john henry disagrees

  3. Perhaps she should be a test subject as to the efficiency of MRI scans to detect intelligence.

  4. Can it figure it out before you pay the cover charge and go into the nightclub? Because that would be really useful.

  5. "I bet it's not faster than my teenage boys with a Victoria's Secret catalog."

    LOL @ The Mother's 7:20 a.m. comment!

  6. HOW long does it take to get the patient into the MRI machine? Can't see it winning against a quick grope... Especially in the dark.

  7. There were previous methods ?

  8. Obviously she was wearing a Freudian Slip.

    (The Grammar Police (Moose's Laptop Branch) would like to remind you that you determine I or me in a "and" situation by removing "and other." eg: "She talked to Bob and I/me." Remove "Bob and" and you can see that you would never say "She talked to I."

    The Grammar Police thanks you for your care in this matter. :-)

  9. The Grammar Police (Moose's Laptop Branch) would like to remind you that you determine I or me in a "and" situation by removing "and other.
    The Grammar Police Internal Affairs Division would like to remind you that the indefinite article before a word that begins with a vowel sound is "an", not "a".

    The Internal Affairs Division thanks you for your care in this matter. Ahem.

  10. I am cheaper than a new MRI. Where can I apply?

  11. @Moose - So it should have been MRme instead of MRI?

    Just checking,

  12. I labored as a medical device rep for years, for a time selling breast biopsy devices. A counterpart of mine who sold radiology systems would routinely refer to his devices' lower risk of "Vaso-vaginal" syncope. He did it every time, and every time I just about nose-puked from stifling my laughter.

  13. Technology never fails to amaze me. I remember in the old days, detection of breasts was done by walking the woman past a team of building site workers ...

  14. 1143- and here i am having spent a good part of my life causing vasovaginal syncope. guilty as charged.

  15. There are technologies even more amazing than MRI to detect the presence or absence of breasts: eyes and hands.

    Said rep would need a brain to figure that out. Based on observational anecdotal data obtained while waiting at doctors' offices for appointments and observing numerous drug reps (female reps usually wearing dark short-skirted suits accessorized with very high heels and low-cut blouses), I would submit that said rep possessed breasts.

    Enquiring minds need to know: Does she bring her MRI to Victoria's Secret when she needs new lingerie?

    WV: tiolo - manolo blahnik spinoff that makes special shoes for female drug reps

  16. Saw this link ( and *immediately* flashed back to this post...


So wadda you think?