Friday, October 22, 2010

Boy, that was tough

As you guys know, I do medical market research surveys as a sideline. Most of them have a few screener questions to make sure you qualify.

So today, I had this.

"We will now be asking you some screening questions to be sure you qualify for this study."

I clicked okay, and we went to the next screen. This question appeared:

"Are you willing to take this survey in return for the listed honorarium? [YES] [NO]"

I clicked [YES], and it went to the next screen, which said this:

"Congratulations! You've qualified to participate in this research."


  1. One wonders if the honorarium would have been increased had you chosen to answer "NO."

  2. I was worried about you, for a second.

  3. Love the intensive research they do for qualification!

  4. But shouldn't there be some secret signal you can give them in case you're being forced at gunpoint?

  5. please give me the url of the survey website, i wanna participate too, i am sure i will be qualified even though i am not in the med field.

  6. "Are you currently breathing? CONGRATULATIONS! On with the survey!"

  7. "Are you currently breathing? CONGRATULATIONS! On with the survey!"

    One of my favorite authors (Michael Perry) claims he got on the volunteer fire department because he was (a) available during the day and (b) breathing.....

  8. I want to participate, I want to participate! I'm not a doctor, but I do read many med blogs, so that has to count for something, right?

  9. What if the one you'd wanted was unlisted? What then? Only two options, eeney meeney miney moe.

  10. I suppose that has to have been something of a letdown. I mean, it would have been nice if they'd asked something related to your knowledge of medicine.

  11. You lost me at "willing to participate in the rectum", sorry.

  12. I'll bet you're a cheap date, too...


  13. I too participate in some online studies. The screening question on the most recent one was, "Are you [My Name]?" I clicked yes, and the next page stated that I did not meet their requirements for the study. Go figure.


So wadda you think?