Sunday, September 5, 2010

NEW! Treats pain AND fatigue!

I'd like to thank my reader Ellie for submitting this.

(click to enlarge)


  1. Probably ought to order a Renal screen after the first day.

  2. Guaranteed to land you in the ER or jail before you finish the first prescription!

  3. There are days when that actually sounds like a good idea. In a purely theoretical way.

  4. This would probably do me more good than the 10 medications I currently take put together.

  5. the rep for this drug can pretty much mail it in.

  6. JET!!!! Oooh oooh oooh oooh, oooh oooh oooh, oooh oooh!

  7. If you're going to TYPE a bogus prescription, you'd better learn to spell Percocet......

  8. Must be that new fibromyalgia drug I hear about

  9. They need Ambi-Bull (Red Bull laced with Ambien) with similar prescribing - that way I can hallucinate all I want and stay awake for it,

  10. This seems rather dangerous as Red Bull usually needs mixing with alcohol for purposes of taste. Someone's going to develop respiratory failure.

  11. Tsk, tsk.

    The obvious error is the number of refills. No refills on CII scripts.

    Even if your physician writes for refills, state AND federal laws STILL apply.

    No, even YOUR physician has to comply with those laws.

    No, I really don't care if s/he wanted you to have refills.

    (Oh God. I have actually had these conversations with patients.)

  12. Great, a new drug for fibromyalgia! Treats pain and fatigue.


  13. Even funnier - look all the way at the top right -- the prescriber is a dentist! (DMD)

  14. I wonder if this would work for my husband's ADD? And would United Health cover it?

  15. Yeah... The sales of energy beverages that contain alcohol really predict success for this. Asked why you'd buy a beverage containing both caffeine and alcohol, customers typically responded that they wanted to stay awake longer so as to drink more. Takes all kinds I guess.

  16. I fell for it, though I noticed that Percocet was mispelled. I looked up the description on wiki, and came to the conclusion that it was a new formulation cynically designed to increase sales. (I read DrugMonkey perhaps too much...)
    Reminds me of the days when I watched co-workers grind up some of the truck stop uppers with Jolt soda to try to stay awake thru our 16 hour days glued to our CAD workstations. 3 pills to a can was the rule.

  17. HAHA the other day one of my fellow pharmacy techs and I were talking about how we wish we could type a dummy script for something like a Snickers bar just to have a label that says to eat candy. Our computer system won't allow for any fake scripts to be typed (which is good, really, I'm not complaining!) - though that also means no "test claims" to see if something is covered.

    I'm guessing that this was actually probably typed by an employee of the dentist just being silly. I love it...going to have to print out that image and show the pharmacist I work with who would appreciate the humor.

  18. any way I can get a scrip for this? :D


  19. Glorious. Where do I sign up?

  20. That was something that someone posted on Facebook. It was reposted to lamebook.

  21. Yes, because nothing on the internet is ever reposted anywhere else.


So wadda you think?