Tuesday, September 21, 2010

And now for something completely different

Okay, people. Yours truly, Dr. Grumpy, has been asked to host (drum roll please) ONLINE GRAND ROUNDS next Tuesday. As many of you know, this is a weekly collection of blog posts of a certain theme.

Next week starts the 7th year of this, and they wanted someone talented, popular, and successful to host it. Unfortunately, that person wasn't available, and so they asked me instead. I've been assured that their decision to pick me was based on stringent criteria, such as having a pulse and a website. I tried to negotiate for a case of Diet Coke, without success.

So the topic for next week's Grand Rounds will be "Things that make me grumpy". I whine enough, so I'm opening up the floor to you guys. Please submit links to blog posts following this theme, but try to keep them (roughly) in some limits:

1. They should have at least SOME medical background to them. I don't want to hear about the guy who cut you off in traffic (unless it was a neurologist wired on Diet Coke), the crappy service you got at Denny's, or the high cost of flour.

2. Try to have some element of humor in it.

3. This is NOT a political blog, so I'm NOT going to put up rants from either side about health care, elections, or whatever.

How to submit: Please send your entries to pagingdrgrumpy [at] gmail [dot] com. Put "Grand Rounds" in the subject line, and include the URL of the post in the message, with a sentence or two about it. Sending huge amounts of money to my Paypal account is also recommended, but not necessary (nudge nudge wink wink).

The deadline will be Saturday, September 25, at 6:00 p.m. U.S. Eastern time. So submit early. Or else.


  1. Flour is much cheaper in those 50 pound sacks at Costco. Bonus--pecs and biceps.

  2. Oh, Dr. Grumpy, you asked for it! Things that make me grumpy . . . neurologist ;) But that's too long for Grand Rounds.

  3. you opened and closed with a Python reference! You, sir, just made my day.

    word verification--
    "THROV" (noun); an amalgam of love and queasiness--I love so much that i throw up. hence, i "throv' you.

  4. Can i submit my blog on stretcher lady? i may not be a medical professional, but i sure transport alot of medically fragile people.

  5. No luck with Google. Do you have a URL for the Grand Rounds blog please?

  6. Anon- try this


  7. I'm carer for a severely disabled young adult with complex care needs and blog at http://nedluddcarer.blogspot.com/
    Mixture of what it's like caring day to day and reactions (let's call them rants then) to difficulties encountered with NHS/social care services.

  8. you may want to look at some of the forums on the NHS's own site. Although NHS hosted, I've never been censored and am not aware of anyone else being, at least on the carers one.
    Ned Ludd, carer

  9. My blog on careing and health/social services experience is at http://nedluddcarer.blogspot.com/

    Ned Ludd, carer

  10. Not being a medical professional, I don't have too much to say, but I wish I had a camera with me when my 5 year old was telling her art class about Daddy's see-zzzz-yur. She flopped down on the floor and kicked one leg up and down (rather like one of those counting horses- and it was dead-on for what the seizure looked like), and made funny noises. She then popped back up and proceeded to tell the enraptured class about the bubbles around his mouth and how gross his tongue looked afterward. They all thought it was SO COOL.
    I didn't tell my husband; though, he would be horrified.

  11. Go Dr Grumpy!
    I cannot believe they did not give you a case of Diet Coke.

  12. Great thing. They should be in English, though, correct? (I now a few great ones in German...)


So wadda you think?